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"Kyrie?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and seeing him sitting at the kitchen island, drinking.

I haven't seen this scene since Amour was born...just after Paris left him..

He didn't answer me, instead he just downed his shot and poured another one.
"You're up early."

I rolled my eyes and ran over to him, grabbing the hard liquor from him.
"What the hell are you doing? It's fucking 5' a.m.!"

"I'm drinking obviously." He said, downing his last shot.

"Why are you drinking and acting like an asshole?"

"I am an asshole. I'm always going to be an asshole because I can never do anything right."

I sighed and sat down next to him.
"What are you talking about?"

"I saw Paris the other day.."

I bit my lip and nodded.
That's why he'd been acting the way he had these last two weeks. He'd come home and lock himself in his room only coming out when he had to take care of Amoúr. He hadn't spoken two words to me and his basketball was off. The Celtics were on a losing streak and that was widely due to his trouble scoring.
"What happened?"

He sighed and slowly started sobbing.
"She still fucking hates me. What else. I did cheat on her, knock you up, and lie to her for months. All knowing that she'd been through this multiple times before."

I stiffened up as he talked about me.

"She trusted me. She truly trusted me with her heart and I fucking stomped on it like I was an idiot."

For some reason, envy spread throughout me as he kept praising this woman. Why the fuck was he still stuck on her? I gave him everything. A beautiful child. Unlimited love. I treated him like a king and he didn't pay me any attention. Like I was just some other woman.
"It's been over a year Kyrie. You have to get over her at some point-"

"Don't you think I've tried! I've tried Kehlani! I bought us this house..I..tried to have a relationship with you and now Look at me. I'm fucking drinking vodka at 5' a.m. just to get her off my mind and nothing is working. Seeing her the other day and seeing that I still was hurting her, hurt me." He sighed in irritation.

I looked at the frustration and hurt in his eyes and couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
"I'm sorry."

He chuckled bitterly and turned to me.
"I can't even be angry at you because I was the one that slept with you and ruined my own relationship. I just..I don't know. Paris was the love of my life K. I'm young and she's young but the way that we affect each other makes me know that we were special for each least she was important to me."

"I'm sorry about what your going through Kyrie, but you can't keep doing shit like this."

"I know, I just need her to talk to me and hear me out. As long as she's mad at me, I can't function." He said, putting his head in his hands.

I sighed and sat back.
I had to get her to listen to him..for his own sake..


"Okay so you find him and Kehlani in the hotel, you get back to Cleveland, he surprises you, you guys are good. What happened next?" Chanel asked.

I laid back next to her in her bed and yawned.
"I'm tired of talking."

"This is a good story. Like a chick flick." She smiled, putting popcorn in her mouth.

I chuckled and sighed.
"They lost in the finals."

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Where stories live. Discover now