You Again?;

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I walked through the supermarket and held my head as I was trying to hurry back home. Kehlani had told me that Amour needed diapers and formula. She herself needed some fruit and dark chocolate, and I needed more water bottles. I got my items quickly and decided to pick something up to make for dinner tonight. I decided on something quick and simple which was tacos. I forced myself to push the cart down the aisle to get some tortillas. I quickly froze and raised an eyebrow as I saw Paris in the aisle, struggling to reach the corn tortillas which were always on the top shelf.
She always had trouble reaching the stuff on the top shelf, which is why she always dragged me along to go grocery shopping with her.

I sighed and took a deep breath before walking up to her and opting to say something.
"Need some help?" I asked, pushing my cart towards her.

She paused and sighed, slightly rolling her eyes. She seemed to be contemplating whether to ignore me or be cordial and answer me.

"Funny seeing you here." I chuckled, trying to break the ice, but the tension of not seeing each other for a year wasn't going away.

"I should get going.." She said, turning back to her cart.

"Wait," I said, gently pulling her towards me. "Don't run away.."

"I'm not running away." She said, ripping her arm away from me harshly. "And don't touch me."

"Yes you are!" I said, slightly raising my cracked voice as she narrowed her eyes at me. "You're doing the same thing you did a year ago.."

She sighed and crossed her arms.
"What do you want from me Kyrie? To run into your arms and be jolly and happy with you? There's a reason I haven't contacted you in over a year."

"I just want to talk and catch up. We haven't seen each other in a year and you don't even want to talk?"

She bit her lip and looked up at me.
"No...I don't. We decided to go our separate ways and we should stick to it. The other night at the game, I was just being cordial, don't think to much into it."

" 'We' didn't decide anything! You left and didn't tell me until the day your flight was scheduled! I never wanted to leave, did. I never thought that I'd ever see you again Paris!"

"I have to go."

I'd had enough of this and her attitude. I know I messed up but...I wasn't going to let her walk away again without putting up a fight.

I pulled her back towards me and placed my lips on hers. Expecting her to pull away or hit me, but instead..something surprising happened..she kissed back..

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Where stories live. Discover now