No More 'Us';

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"Why are you so nervous?" Shaniya asked, through the phone.

I rolled my eyes and threw on my jacket.
"I'm not nervous.." I mumbled, looking in my mirror and scanning my outfit for the third time. "I'm just anxious."

"Well why?"

"Kehlani said he was really bad after I saw him at the store."

"You were kind of harsh.."

"I know that Shay. Which is why I'm going to see him."

She nodded through FaceTime and sighed.
"Let me see your outfit."

I turned and showed her, raising an eyebrow.
"This good?"

"Yeah. That's good. Remember to go easy on him. He still loves you P, just try to be nice."

I put a fake smile on my face and nodded.
"Okay. I'll call you when I get back."

She nodded.
"Good luck."

"Thanks." I sighed, ending the call and grabbing my keys.

As I walked out to the living room, my front door opened and Kai walked in with a smile.
"Hey baby."

I smiled.

He noticed my outfit and furrowed his eyebrows.
"You going out?"

"Yeah. I'm just meeting a friend. I should be back quickly though." I said, kissing him and leaving before he could ask anymore questions.

As I drove to the café, I couldn't help but feel bad. I didn't mean to snap at him that day, I just let all my emotions loose all at once and it wasn't right of me to do that...
Before I knew it, I was finally there. I took a deep sigh and walked in, remembering my first interaction here.


- I groaned and pulled my suitcase into the small coffee shop. I had been driving for hours and hadn't had a drop of caffeine. I set my bag by an empty table and rubbed my eyes, walking in line. I scanned the small menu and just opted to order a large black coffee. The cashier was nice, and got me my coffee quickly. I added some sugar to it and some hazelnut crème before turning on my heel to walk back to my table. I walked back and sat down, taking a long sip of coffee, grateful for the buzz that it gave me. Coming here to Boston was a fresh start that I badly needed. I stared out the rain pattered window and zoned out, continuing to drink my coffee, when my phone vibrated.

- Did you get there safely?
- I understand if you don't want to talk to me, you made that clear when you left without telling me but at least let me know that you made it there safe Paris

I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off, looking back down at the half empty, now room temperature cup of coffee. I walked back over to get more sugar and as I walked back to my table, I bumped into somebody, spilling my cup of coffee and gasping. My eyes widened as I looked up at this tall white guy.
"I'm so sorry." I apologized, noticing the big wet stain on his sweatshirt.

He chuckled and nonchalantly shrugged.
"It's okay."

I grabbed some napkins and handed it to him.
"It's not. I wasn't looking where I was going and now your sweatshirt is ruin-"

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Where stories live. Discover now