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I sat with Amour in my lap, scrolling through Instagram and waiting for Kehlani. I needed her to be here with Amour because I had an important game today..our first game against the Cavs since Gordon's injury. I looked at my watch and sighed.
I need to be at shoot around in 15 minutes.
Amour looked up at me with her big brown eyes, just like her moms.
"Mommy is very very late." I said, placing her in her play pen.

I looked at my phone and saw that I still hadn't gotten a text or call from Kehlani. I decided to look through Instagram, going to my search page and seeing Paris's Instagram at the top of my recent searches. I looked everyday to see if she had unblocked me and no surprise...another day and still blocked..I haven't stopped thinking about her. She was on my mind constantly. She invaded my thoughts, dreams, my everyday life..she was still apart of it in some way. The amount of regret I had, weighed on me everyday.
Regret weighs heavy when you know you've wronged the one you love...


"Come on! You didn't finish the story yesterday about you and Kyrie!" Chanel whined, as I leaned back on the large sofa in her room.

I was once again hanging out with Chanel after my shift and once again she was asking about yesterday.

"Ugh, there is no story. Just a guy and a girl who were together."

She raised an eyebrow.
"If that was true then you would've just told me the story, instead you're avoiding it and you scrunch your eyebrows when you lie."

I chuckled.
I spend way to much time with this little girl..
"If I tell you how we broke up it won't make sense unless you know the whole story so-"



"I really don't have anywhere else to go but here in this hospital...I could use a good story.." She said, patting the spot next to her.

I smiled and sat next to her
"You know, you have to pretty special for me to tell this story because...I swore I'd never talk about him again.."

"I'm a pretty special chick. Now, spill the deets."

" all started with us crashing into each other."

She chuckled.
" 'Crashing'?"

"We literally crashed into each other's cars at like 10 in the morning. Thank god it was an empty intersection."

"Damn. Was it serious?"

"No. Not at all. I mean, he did have a scar on his head, but I was fine."

She chuckled.
"Okay continue, did he ask you out on site?"

"No. In his defense I was coming off of a breakup and a 12 hour shift so I didn't exactly look like a supermodel-"

"So you looked how you look now?"

I raised an eyebrow.
"Is that a insult or a compliment?"

She smiled and shrugged.
"So when did he ask you out...on a date?"

"A couple weeks after, it was during the season, we didn't have a whole lot of time to talk..but he texted me and asked me out to dinner.."

"Aww that was just like me and Jake. Okay, what was your first date like?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"I do. Now spill it."

"We went to this really fancy restaurant and..we talked about our families and he talked about his mom and he found out that I was Klay Thompson's sister-"

"He didn't know?"

"Nope." I shrugged. "He embraced it though. I remember us leaving and having to go through all the reporters and then our first kiss.."

"Was it really romantic or was it just a awkward peck?"

"I guess it was was on my doorstep when he dropped me off. Kind of cliché in my opinion."

She smiled and playfully pushed me.
"That's so cute!"

Before I could continue, my phone vibrated.
I looked down to see texting me.

Hey beautiful 😍. We still on for 8'o clock?

Yeah of course. See you then😌

I sighed and turned my phone off, standing up.
"Sorry babes. I gotta go."

"Aw." She pouted. "I wanted you to finish."

"Maybe next time."


I nodded.

"Fine. You won't get away with not telling me for long!"

I chuckled.
"Later Alligator."

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Where stories live. Discover now