Chapter Seven

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A/N: Inspiration levels for everything are falling fast and it's pissing me off.

The night sky was filled with stars that could actually be seen now that the cities had crumbled. Rose looked up at them from her position in Castiel's arms. Amelia always liked to look at the stars. She would always point out which ones made pictures called con... cons... con-something. That's where Rose learned where her nickname came from. Amelia always called Rose "Little Dipper". Rose curled closer to Castiel's chest as a cold breeze swept through. "Isn't it supposed to be like summer or something?" Gabriel whispered as he rubbed his arms. They needed to stay quite during the night. Every child knows that's when the monsters come out to play.

"It's May," Dean said. "If anything, it's spring."

"Stupid nature," Gabriel hissed. "Still working even with the world gone to hell."

"Let's find some place to spend the night," Sam interrupted Gabriel's string of curses.

Rose kicked the rock on the ground. She was waiting with Castiel as the others looked for a safe place to sleep. She pouted slightly. It always bothered her that she couldn't help with anything when help was so obviously needed. Amelia said it was because she was too young or too small. Rose looked at her hand. Castiel's coat went over it. Rose huffed and crossed her arms. Well, attempted to. She still couldn't grasp the concept. "Are you okay, Rose?" Castiel asked curiously. He couldn't exactly figure out what she was doing.

"Yeah," Rose put her hands on her hips instead.

"Found one," Gabriel announced.

Rose took Castiel's hand as they followed Gabriel. He had found a little house. The inside was bare. Everything was gone. This was the first time any of them had seen a house with all of its stuff stolen. It kind of made them wonder why. "Right," Sam said. "Looks good."

Dean had a bad feeling about all the furniture and things missing. No, everything was fine. He was just overreacting. But still, as everyone slowly fell asleep around him, the feeling still didn't go away. What could go wrong? It was just some missing furniture, it shouldn't be a cause for alarm. Yet here he was, laying on the dirtied carpet of the house, with a feeling of dread.


Dean's eyes opened when the room got colder. That wasn't good. If the temperature got colder that only meant... "Shit." Dean sat up. They needed to get out quickly.

"I see you felt it too," Castiel whispered. "How are we going to get out of this?"

"No idea." Dean stood up slowly. "We'll just have to go-"

A door slammed down the hall.

"Or not." Gabriel said. "I don't think he likes your idea."

"W-what was that?" Rose asked. "Why is it so cold in here?"

Two doors slammed at the same time.

Sam glanced at Rose. "Say something again, Rose."

"Like what? I can say a lot of things."

Three doors opened and slammed again.

Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Gabriel all looked at Rose. "Care to do that again?" Gabriel asked.

"Why? Is there something special I'm s'pposed to say?" Rose glanced at all of them.

All the doors started opening and slamming. The cabinets and drawers started doing the same. The fireplace in front of Rose erupted in wild flames. Rose yelped and scurried back. "W-what's happening?"

"Please tell me that was just a coincidence and that there is not a ghost after Rose." Dean said.

"Ghost?!" Rose squeaked. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up on end. Cold hands seemed to wrap around her ankles and tug her in a direction she wasn't planning to go. With a shriek Rose was dragged down the hall across the old moldy carpet. The door to the bathroom shut with a bang before anyone could get to it.

Rose held her hands close to her chest as she stared at the ceiling from the tiled floor. She could see every breath she took. The squeak of something she's never heard before caught her attention. Rose sat up to see a pale figure perched on the seat of the toilet. The girl appeared to stare through Rose with blank eyes. She couldn't have been older than seven, with a round face that held emotionless brown orbs and matted light hair. "W-who're you?"

The girl stared at Rose for a few more seconds. "You're really pretty. My mommy would always tell me I was pretty."

The faucet shook before squirting out a stream of water into the tub. "W-what's your n-name?"

The girl's eyes shifted over to the water. "I'm Millie Ramsey. I've been dead for twelve years." Millie Ramsey looked at Rose again. "The people that came took everything out of my house. From what I heard, it was a sign to show others like them that there was a ghost in here."

Rose pulled Castiel's coat tighter around her. "O-okay. W-why're you a ghost?"

Millie Ramsey didn't seem to like that question. The slow steady stream of water suddenly shot out like a waterfall. "When everything started. When everyone went crazy because it was the end of the world. Me and my mommy and daddy were gonna leave with some friends when they came. They killed Mommy and Daddy while I was hiding in my closet. When they found me they decided to drown me in the tub." Millie's rage-filled eyes once again moved over to the bathtub filling with water.

Rose scooted away until her back reached the door. "You died for no reason?"

The mirror shattered. "I died because of people like the men you're with. I don't want to be a ghost! I want to be with Mommy and Daddy!"

Rose shrunk as the drawers started opening and closing. "W-we could help you! They're not like the people that killed you. They're nice. We could help you get to your mom and dad."

Everything was silent for a moment. All Rose heard was, "I've been a ghost for too long" before she was in the water filled bathtub. She took as big a breath as she quickly could before she was completely submerged.


A/N: I'm evil aren't I? And you know the worst part? This is going on hiatus for awhile. After I finish my SuperWhoLock story I shall continue. But, you know, it's hard to write multiple stories. Hope you understand. Good day Angel Bunnies. ok i luv u buh-bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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