Chapter Five

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A/N: If the world has been in hell for twelve years it's probably gonna be worse than what I can describe.

It took a little while, but they found a room that was suitable for sleeping in. But they had to sleep in the living room because there was only one bedroom and it was a little small. Castiel laid on his back, wide awake. His brother and Sam and Dean were already fast asleep. Ever since Meg, Castiel's nightmares have gotten worse. Lately they've been about Anna. He has no idea how they started, or why, but they were scary as hell. Castiel pulled his coat up to his chin. Anna found the coat for him, it was about a year after everything started. He closed his eyes and sighed. He really missed everyone. But his eyes snapped open when he heard something outside the room. Castiel sat up and looked around. No one else seemed to have heard it. He stood up slowly, making his trench coat fall to the floor, and carefully walked over to the closed door. There it was again. Like someone was moving things around.

Castiel glanced behind him; no one woke up. He opened the door gently, wincing when it creaked. He stuck his head out to the dark hallway. He couldn't see anything. But there was still the sound of someone moving something around. The young Novak brother cautiously left the room; he needed to know what that was. He went in the direction the sound seemed to be coming from, which was at the end of the hall, flinching when one of the floorboards made a loud crack. The shuffling stopped. Castiel mentally cursed.

Back inside the room Gabriel felt colder, like someone just took a blanket off him. Half awake, he moved and his hand brushed over a familiar material - Castiel's trench coat. Without thinking, Gabriel grabbed it and pulled it over himself. Just as he got comfortable reality came crashing down: Castiel always used his coat as a blanket. Where was Castiel? His big brother instincts kicked in and he shot up like a bullet. "Cas?" He whispered loud enough to be heard if Castiel was still in the room. Gabriel stood up, making the trench coat fall to the ground. "Castiel," he called a little louder.

Dean shifted in his sleep while Sam opened his eyes slowly. Sam rubbed his eyes and noticed the slightly blurry figure of Gabriel. "Gabriel?" Sam whispered. "What are you doing?"

Gabriel glanced in Sam's direction. "Cas is missing."

Sam sat up, propping himself up on his elbows, now fully awake. "What?"

"Just stay here," Gabriel said as he made his way to the open door.

Dean groaned and flipped over on his stomach. "Will you guys shut up?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Cas is missing," Sam repeated the news Gabriel told him.

Dean lifted his head up. "What?"

"Wow you guys are parrots," Gabriel said under his breath. "Just stay here. I'll go look for him." And he left the room before anyone could say anything else.

A little girl. That's who was making all that noise. A little girl who looked like she was four. She had golden-brown hair that went past her shoulders and light brown eyes, the clothes she was wearing didn't look like they were in the best condition they could've been. Castiel kneeled down to her height. "Hey," he said softly and gently. "What's your name?" The girl took a step back. "I'm not gonna hurt you. That's why your afraid, isn't it?" The girl nodded. Castiel smiled benevolently. "I just want to help you," he held out his hand. The girl looked at it and hesitated. "It's okay," Castiel reassured. The girl studied Castiel's face before looking back down at his hand. She lifted up her hand and slowly put it in Castiel's. "Rose," she said in a small voice.

Castiel smiled. "I'm Castiel, it's nice to meet you, Rose."

Rose looked up at Castiel and smiled slowly.

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