Chapter One

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A/N: Anyone wanna tell me how to work I'm a special child so I need help understanding. but on another note, fuCKING SEASON FINALE KILLED ME YESTERDAY. I CAN'T EVEN. WHY DID THEY DO THAT?!

 Dean sat down on the ground next to his brother. To be honest, they were tired of living like this. They missed how it used to be when they were younger. But they were lucky enough to remember what it was like all those years ago. Some forgot, some were too young, and some were born into this cruel world. It was awful. Just thinking about children being brought into this world were as soon as they walk they have to learn to defend themselves. A child shouldn't be raised that way.

"What day is it?" Asked Sam.

Dean looked over to his brother. "How should I know?"

Sam moved his head to look at Dean. "I know that you've kept track of the days since this all started."

Dean sighed and got off the dirty floor. He left the room they were currently in and headed upstairs for his room. They had been living here for a few months now. They were lucky enough to live undisturbed for all that time. Dean grabbed the notebook he kept under his pillow and flipped to the page he last wrote on. Tuesday, May 20th, 2014. He closed it, put it back under his pillow, and headed back downstairs.

"Tuesday," Dean said as he entered the room Sam was sitting in.

"What month?" Sam asked as his brother sat down.



"20th, and it's 2014."

Sam ran a hand through his hair. "How many years have we been doing this, Dean?"

Dean didn't really feel like doing the math. "A lot. Feels like our whole lives."

"Do we have anymore food?" Sam sighed.

"Probably not," Dean already started to get up.

Sam groaned and got up as well. "I don't want to go outside."


Castiel followed his brother timidly. He always felt uneasy walking through the streets. Gabriel glanced back at his younger brother. "You don't have to be so scared."

Castiel looked down at his feet. It was hard not to. After seeing what happened to his other siblings, his friends, everyone he knew, he didn't want that to happen to Gabriel. Or himself. Castiel barely remembered what it was like to live in a world where monsters didn't walk the streets. He remembered getting into fights with Anna over color pencils, he remembers Gabriel giving him a lollipop when he fell out of a tree, he even remembers Michael and Lucifer fighting over who was in charge when their parents left. But that's all. Sometimes, when he tries to sleep, he attempts to think of more. He wasn't sure of Gabriel remembered anything. Might as well ask. "Hey, Gabriel, do... do you remember what it was like before all this started?"

Gabriel thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, a bit. Why?"

"Just wondering."

Gabriel stopped walking. Castiel wasn't paying attention and ran into him, almost knocking him over. "Sorry," Castiel apologized. "Why did you stop?"

Gabriel grabbed Castiel's face with his hand and showed him the house in front of them. It was two-stories high. "Think there's anything in there?" Gabriel gave Castiel a mischievous look.

"Gabriel, there might be people living there." His voice was slightly indistinct.

Gabriel let go of Castiel's face. "Why would anyone live here? C'mon, Cas! Let's just have a look."

Before Castiel could respond Gabriel was already walking over to the house. Castiel sighed and followed his older brother. Gabriel opened the door and looked at Castiel. "Not locked." Cas rolled his eyes. They walked inside and looked around. There was still furniture in it, not the best obviously, but it was still furniture. "There's nothing - " Before Castiel could finish Gabriel said, "There's an upstairs, little brother."

Castiel frowned. He really felt like someone lived here. He followed Gabriel up the stairs anyway. Gabriel walked into the first room he saw. There was a bed - surprisingly in good shape, a broken dresser, a closet with the doors cracked and falling off, faded posters of movies and bands from so many years ago. This was clearly a boy's room. Castiel observed the room. The bed. It was slept in recently. He went to point it out to Gabriel, but something caught his eye. The edge of a notebook. Castiel grabbed it and slid it out from under the pillow. He opened it up to the first page. Saturday, October 19, 2002. Whoever wrote this was probably young. Castiel stared at the date. The rest of the page was filled with dates, too. He flipped through the pages. Dates, dates, and some more dates. The writing got more neat over the years. He closed the notebook and held it to his chest.


"We should go, Gabriel."

Those were the first words Sam and Dean heard when they were cautiously walking up the stairs. They had come home to see the door wide open. They could've just left, they had no food in there, and they had all their weapons with them. But Dean left his notebook in there. And Sam was sure as hell not letting go of the only safe place he's known for the past months that easily.

"What?" Another voice. This one was not as deep as the other.

"We should go. Someone lives here. I don't think they'll like us in their house."

"There's no one living here, Cas. I already told you."

"The bed - "

"Someone is living here," Dean held up a gun to the man holding his notebook while Sam held one up to the other.

The shorter man with light brown hair held up his hands and looked over to the taller man with black hair. "I believe I owe an apology."


A/N: Yay! I did it! :D And I had like no inspiration to begin this so I am extremely proud of myself. Anywho, I'm gonna go to bed now! Good night Angel Bunnies! ok i luv u buh-bye!


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