HAZUKI OR HOSHI? - (July 10th, 2018) - LATE NIGHT

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Mayu:........Why do I have to be in this chat again?

Kaname: SHut up and talk to people you unsociable person

Mayu: -Angry Emoji-

-Differe t chatrom diffrernt time-

Naomi has created the chat

Naomi has add hoshi, hazuki, and mayu

Naomi has left the chat

Hoshi is now leader of chat


Hazuki: Oh a new chat, why hello

Hoshi: Hello

Mayu: Hello I'm Mayu and who might you two be?

Hoshi: We're both Kichirou's brothers.

Hazuki: You know that one dude that's dating Feather

Mayu: Ah Feather's boyfriend that Kaname has a dislike for?

Hazuki: Pretty much

Hoshi: Who are you?

Hazuki: Oh yeah I know Hayato, he's sorta weird, but chill. We don't talk much that's all

Hoshi: He's alright, haven't talk I don't think

Mayu: He's not weird in the slightest perhaps we are talking about different people.


-Big paragraph about hayato-

Hoshi: Oh

Hazuki: Why did you just tell us all this?

Hazuki: You have a crush on him or something like tha?

Mayu: OMG

Mayu: What makes you think that?



Hazuki: Uh it's pretty obvious on what you;re texting

Hoshi: The tone has changed

Hazuki: I mean like why are you telling us about him shouldn't you like be making some SMOOTH MOVES on him?

- inside joke

Mayu: Smooth moves? What might those be?

Hazuki: I dunno like slide in those dms

Mayu: Dms?

Hoshi: Direct messages

Mayu: Dangerous Messaging Service?

Mayu: Oh Instagram?

Hoshi: Yeah that to

Mayu: What? I don't seem to understand

Hazuki: What about that Netflix and chill?

Mayu: Netflix is a service that provides free movies and show with a paid membership.

Mayu: Am I correct?

Mayu: And to chill means to hang

Hazuki: What are you? A robot?

-Feather and Naomi have joined the chat-

Naomi: OK since you guys suck at socializing we are here 

Feather: This is so cringy

Mayu: I don't suck at socializing naomi

Mayo: I have taken public speaking all years so far

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