Minato In A Bad Mood - (July 11th, 2018)

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Minato: Stfu

Minato: Its to early for this shit

Crow: What shit, did you take a dump?

Minato: fuck off ass wipe

Kaname: Minato is in a bad mood today

Crow: At least I'm clean until someone uses me

Crow: Oof, makes sense

Minato: The fuck? Your fucking gross

Kaname: Like he didn't even make me breakfast

Crow: Does he usually do that?

Kaname: Yeah because Yoshi needs to eat

Crow: Oooh

Kaname: Lol did you think he would actually make me food

Crow: I didn't think Minato would make breakfast at all

Kaname: Because I won't feed Yoshi

Crow: Makes sense

Kaname: Of course Crow and thas why i always go to hayatos house

Crow: Hmm

Feather: You want room

Feather: food

Feather: we made some

Feather: Salad and chicken


Feather: COME overrrr

Feather:And eat some

Feather: You can also take some of our food. We don't eat all of it


Hayato: No offense Minato but my foods better

Minato: istfg hayato

Crow: Pig

Crow: I ment oof

Crow: lol

Crow: there should be a cooking contest

Kaname: Minato just threw his phone through the wall

Kaname: LOL he needs a new phone its mine now

Crow: oh lol

Crow: now he really has no money

Kaname: Right

Kaname: Hes so mad lol even Yoshi isnt bothering him

Crow: Hmm, why is he mad in the first place

Kaname: Who knows?

Feather: Bring a cooler Kaname, there are some stuffs

Kaname: Its k ill just eat it

Feather: do you not want to save it for later to?

Kaname: No Im going to eat it im hungry

Crow: Do you like sneak into random people's houses and steal their food?

Crow: Cause that's a really good idea

Feather: OH even better. Go to Suki's restaurant and eat the leftovers at the end of the day!!

Feather: good good

Kaname: I don't like leftovers

Feather: I mean, they are leftovers but also fresh at the same time

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