What Are We? - WHEN IS THE WEDDING? (November 25th, 2018)

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Kaname: what did I like again ?

Crow: Like what

Crow: Like sandwiches?

Feather: Turkey? Peanut butter?

Raven: Turkey peanut butter?

Kaname: No I forgot my own self I need you


Feather: What did you forget?

Raven: I forgot to

Kaname: My my

Kaname: lol. My personality

Raven: Oh that

Feather: You clingy, crazy, uh some other stuff?

Crow: We matured tho?

Kaname: Ye that

Claw: We have hibernated

Naomi: tch ye whatevs

Claw: Naomi how dare you say tch to me

Claw: Oh wait

Claw: Thatw as to Crow lol

Naomi: Wait what

Claw: Nvm

Crow: What are we

Naomi: Thsi is all Ravens fault now everyone is getting all philosophical

Minato: You guys are ugly bipolar

Minato: especially u Naomi

Raven: What did I do


Claw: Ugly bipolar?

Claw: Hmmmmmmmmmm really

Minato: yeah really

Kaname: so I've been thinking

Feather: Yeah?

Kaname: now that we are asically adults

Raven: OOF

Kaname: when is the wedding?

Crow:What wedding

Claw: Oh idk

Kaname: claw and Naomi's

Claw: I don't know, ask Naomi, she's been like going on Pinterest?

Claw: Like after high school?

Claw: It would be reasonable

Kaname: You guys better hurry it up I want so,e grandchildren

Crow: OH my

Claw: OH, you do?

Claw: Can you handle them

Feather: hmmmm

Kaname: of course I can future in law

Claw: well then

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