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He trudged through the wreckage in the street, ignoring the crusted blood covering his clothes.

He'd long since given up on caring what he was wearing or what was on his clothes. Ten months in this hellish version of the world he grew up in and he'd lost everything. Actually, he'd lost everything in the first four.

Rin wasn't one to discard any kind of strange happenings. Until the Zombies. The zombies were pushing it, but his zombified father eating one of the clergymen that had helped raise him and his brother was not just a nightmare.

So he'd up and left with his twin and a few people who had found themselves in the same situation. Now though, now he was all alone.

He had no idea if anyone from his original group had survived and his brother was long turned. Oh how he missed his twin. Rin and Yukio had been the best team there was. They worked perfectly together and always knew what the other was thinking. In the regular world, they argued. Argued over little things, like how Rin getting a tongue piercing was 'unprofessional' and 'unless he was going to become a tattoo artist, people wouldn't hire him.' But after the world died and turned upside down, they'd worked amazing together.

But alas, all good things must come to an end. They'd been on a food run-searching places for canned goods to store-and a mob came out of nowhere. Rin and Yukio were with a girl older than them by a couple years. She was seriously hardcore. It seemed like she was born just to survive in the apocalypse instead of the world before. She'd protected and saved countless survivors and she'd even taught them how to survive. By now, they were very skilled at dodging and running away.

But Yukio insisted on wearing his stupid white doctor's coat. "Just in case refugees are injured and they're scared." He'd always said. "People trust doctors."

The zombies weren't your stereotypical green skinned guys with their arms stretched out in front of them all the time. They were rotting corpses missing patches of purple-yellowish skin with tatters of clothes hanging off of them. Some had bones sticking out of the skin at unnatural angles, others still had hair clinging to their heads. Their eyes were blank and had a white film over them. Some had an entire mouth full of teeth and others had none. Most were very fidgety and grabbed at random times.

One grabbed at the perfect moment and caught Yukio's coat. When it realized it had a prize, it pulled him back. The other zombies latched on. Rin grabbed his twin's hands. Yukio looked terrified and clutched desperately onto his brother. The woman-her name was Rocco- tried to fight them off, but she couldn't get to Yukio through the mass of hands grabbing him. He couldn't slip his arms out of the sleeves due to the rotting, bony hands clamping down on his limbs either.

Yukio screamed as the monsters bit into his neck and shoulders, his arms. Rin yelled, blood sprayed everywhere, and shrieks echoed off of empty buildings. Rocco grabbed Rin's vest and pulled him back, away from the mob and his still screaming brother. "No! Rocco, please! We have to get Yukio! We have to save him!" Rin thrashed in her hold. "No! Rin, go! Run!" Yukio managed to yell. Rocco pulled Rin back and they began to run. Rin barely registered anything except for the fact that he was covered in his brother's blood. The rest of that day was a blur in Rin's mind now.

He looked around. Nothing in sight. They must all be wandering inside the buildings. He should be safe to go. He knew from experience that it didn't matter whether it was day or night. It didn't matter the temperature. They liked to roam around inside the tall buildings in groups, much like highschool. The resemblance was almost laughable.

Rin jogged across the street to the small corner store. It's windows hadn't been shattered, miraculously. He made his way through the aisles. This place must also have a small office Rin could stay in. Usually, the personal manager offices had carpet floors or a couch. Rin gave a short whistle once he got in. No response. He whistled again, louder. Still no response. It was safe. He moved into the office. There was blood splatter on the desk and corner, but on the side of the room with a couch, it was relatively clean. He closed the door and laid down on the couch.

Sleep was a luxury and he wouldn't waste any that he could get.

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