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Groaning and shuffling.

At first, Suguro didn't know why those noises mattered so much. He was too happy and satisfied to care. He grunted and pulled the body next to his closer.

Then he remembered they were in the Zombie Apocalypse and those noises meant the walking dead were near.

He bolted up, looking around the field they were in. Rin was next to him, grumbling about losing his heat source in the chilly morning air. They'd slept together last night out in the open, which was stupid, but at least they'd put their clothes back on after cleaning up. It was getting too cold to sleep naked outside, so at least they weren't that stupid.

Undead shuffled towards them. The closest was only not even a quarter of a kilometer away. Suguro tried to shake Rin awake, but the teen wouldn't budge. He cursed, slapping the boy across the face.

Rin groaned and turned towards him, teeth rotting and skin colorless. His blue irises were still clear in the hemorrhaged red sclera. He opened his mouth and bit into Suguro's side.


Suguro sat straight up on the hilltop, breathing hard and sweating like he'd just run a marathon.

He looked frantically around. No zombies.

He looked down at the grumbling Rin. Still human. He shook him awake gently. Rin cracked open a vibrant blue eye. "Mornin' Ryuji." Rin gave a sleepy smile. At the sound of his first name from the smaller teen's lips, Suguro's face colored. He distinctly remembered Rin moaning that last night and pushed it out of his mind. It was a new day and they had work to do. No morning sex in the Apocalypse.

"Morning, Blue eyes. How'd ya sleep?" Suguro gave a soft smile and the walls around Rin's hardened heart were beginning to crumble. He was not made for being a hardass, obviously. "Well, I had a top notch pillow, so pretty good. Were you okay?" Rin responded, grinning. Suguro snorted. "Yeah, I was fine. The grass is pretty soft and you snuggling into my side kept me warm." He shrugged.

Rin's smile widened as he rolled over onto his back. His smile froze on his face, however, when he saw the sky.


Izumo growled as she took down another walker. She'd nearly lost her weapon when it got lodged in  the thing's ribcage. Her weapon was actually just a crowbar, but hey, it was really useful for dispatching corpses, so she wouldn't complain. She glanced back at Tsukumo, who was safe with Shura and Paku. Poor Paku looked helpless. She wanted to help, but she was a soft person by nature. She couldn't take down any of these corpses herself. But that didn't make Izumo resent her. Paku had stood with her through all the bullies and people who murmured things about Izumo's mother. Izumo wasn't going to give up her long-time best friend just because she was too sweet to kill these things.

They'd run into a heard. They'd made good ground after getting out of the bowl Inari was in. They had a map of Japan, stolen off a teacher's board in Izumo's highschool. They were doing surprisingly good for a group of girls with only two fighters.

Shura used her Sword to slice through the corpses cleanly, all the while keeping Tsukumo tucked safely away by her side with the other arm. A crowbar was a great weapon to bash skulls in, as Izumo had found out.

They dispatched the heard and kept going. The mountains would be hard to get through unless they found a better way.....

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