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It took me a long time to actually come up with the plot of this story and a goal for the characters to strive towards, so whoops! But now that I know what I'm doing, it's a lot easier to write these chapters out. I'm also trying to at least complete book 1 before school gets hectic.


Thank all that is Holy!

The girls had found a truck. It wasn't super sturdy like they would've liked, but it worked and they had enough gas, so that was a plus!

By the next day and a half, they'd be there! Izumo really hoped their were manuals on how all of those ship controls worked. And that they had enough people for a crew to run the thing.

It would be hard and they'd need to stockpile food if there wasn't any on the ship.

They were riding on luck, which was a stupid thing to do in the Apocalypse, but all they needed was just a little stroke of good luck.

Izumo didn't know who she was praying to, but she hoped there was someone up there to listen and grant her wish. They needed this.


"We can't scale that gate, it has barbed wire across the top!" Paku cried.

"Pfft, gimme your jackets!" Shura demanded. They reluctantly gave them to her and she wrapped them around her. Then she began to climb. She scaled the security gate, got over the stop with only shredding the jackets and a few cuts, and pressed the button to open the gates.

They entered Sasebo Naval base and began to ravaged it for supplies.


There was still plenty of supplies, not to mention actual mattresses to sleep on! It was Heaven.

There are plenty of clean uniforms and undershirts to wear. They found several med kits and used some stitching supplies to sew a jacket out of a military uniform for Tsukumo. Shura cut up an undershirt and made it basically a crop top with a low neckline and cut some uniform pants into booty shorts. She also found combat boots in her size.

Paku wore the full uniform. It was surprisingly comfortable.

Izumo cut pants into capris and folded them at the bottom. Then she cut the sleeves off a shirt and tied a sleeve around her head as a headband. She used a hairtie she'd found in some cadet's old bathroom and tied her hair back in a ponytail.

They kept looking into store rooms and cadet barracks and Captain's Quarters for supplies. The stacked it all on the dock where they'd load it onto a Destroyer. The ship was huge!

No wonder it took such a big crew!

The weapons could come in handy if anything unexpected happened too. They'd thankfully found backup manuals for a situation that all commanding officers were down and only cadets were left. It instructed them on how to run the ships and the Jets on some of the ships! It was perfect!

Right now, they had a ton of supplies and were almost ready to board the ship.

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