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Sorry I took so long to update guys! I had back surgery and it has not been a fun summer. All I can say is that drugs are magical and I hit on my nurse several times, which is embarrassing. Anyways, enjoy!


The ground looked very inviting to Rin after being as active as he'd been the past few days. His mind knew he hadn't expended that much effort or energy, but his body said he'd just run a marathon.

His muscles had been feeling sore since he woke up and he'd been feeling hot and stuffy. Even the area around his tongue piercing felt a little sore. He assumed it was just because of the heavy flannel, pants, and boots causing him exhaustion in the heat.

He only felt worse over the course of the day, fighting, keeping the undead from chomping him, evading groups of the ambling corpses. Then, people found him and he had a minor panic attack because he didn't know what to do. Later, as they walked, he felt weak and his muscles hurt more than ever. Finally, he collapsed.

In hindsight, he should have said something or at least eaten something, but now that they'd deduced that he was sick, he was glad he didn't. He would've thrown it up. Much like he was doing now, on his knees in the street. Mamushi held his hair out of the way as he puked up stomach acid and then dry heaved for a while.

His throat stung from the stomach acid and he gratefully washed his mouth out with the water bottle they gave him. "Do you think you can walk or....." Juzo trailed off. "Let's find out." Rin got up off his knees, swayed, and took a step forward. He walked a few steps on his own before his knees buckled. He was caught by Suguro this time. Despite the situation, he blushed.

He hadn't had any human contact in an entire year. Even worse, he'd been stressed and hyperactive because of A.) The Apocalypse and B.) he already had ADHD, so he was more than sexually frustrated and buzzing with energy. He was hyper-aware of every point of contact even over his clothes with the hot guy who was probably around his age.

Rin was glad he had a fever to cover up the presence of the blush.

Suguro held him up, both arms wrapped around the shorter teen's waist to keep him upright. "Sorry." Rin apologized sheepishly, looking away so he didn't have to face the incredibly good looking boy in front of him and so he didn't breathe in Suguro's face because his breath must smell absolutely horrid.

Suguro shrugged. "It's not for lack of trying, so you're forgiven." The teen grunted, hoisting Rin up so he could press the smaller boy against him. Rin got the idea and slung an arm across Suguro's shoulders and Suguro scooped him up bridal-style. "This is easier than piggyback for me." The taller teen said.

They resumed the journey back to the Ryokan.


"Mom! He's running a high fever and can't keep anything down. We have to get him somewhere comfortable." Suguro didn't stop for greetings or explanations. His mother understood and set into action. If her son brought some stranger in, than he believed they were safe and she would trust him on that.

"Hey! You three, come here!" She called over three servants. "You, I need a bowl of lukewarm water. You, I need herbal tea. You, I need soft, clean blankets and a couple pillows from storage. Go!" She ordered. The three women split up, running down different hallways.

Torako walked alongside Suguro. She examined the boy in her son's arms. He was definitely feverish. His skin was pale, with cheeks flushed red. Sweat beaded on his brow and he looked to be very uncomfortable, brows furrowed, jaw clenching and unclenching, as if he wanted to speak, but couldn't, even unconscious. He might have been having some intense fever dreams.

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