Part 18: Farnsworth

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"I have to admit, ma'am, this is perhaps the most exciting and riveting event in the last six standard months," said Lainy Galack-C, the number three rated news content creator in human space. They smiled their award winning smile, encased in a full mouth and set in rich caramel skin, genetically modified to smell and taste faintly of the candy it resembled. "On behalf of my Wide-Net distributor, let me say thank you so much for this exclusive interview. I feel like the luckiest human in the universe. I know that I speak for my viewers when I ask: what happened next, Madam CEO?"

Angelique Farnsworth sat across from the Net personality looking every bit the stoic leader of the human race. The Singapore Incident, as the news feeds had dubbed her ordeal, had been two months ago. Her injuries had healed, insurances had been paid out. She'd personally gone to 128 memorial services for the people lost. Her publicists insisted she do an interview, put her story out there and add closure to the whole thing.

"Once we were away from the pirate's ship, AST Singapore detected a signal from an EC navy vessel. Members of the mercenary team boarded the wreck of the ECS Interceptor Dark Horse in search of survivors and anything that might help us return to known space."

"You mean the same team who helped protect passengers during the Flesh Farmer attack and rescued you from the clutches of these nefarious pirates?" Lainy asked.

Pirates and mercenaries. The official report gave no mention of the name's Pale Garden or Spider. The Singapore was abducted right out of the jump stream by pirates and saved by a hodgepodge group of out-of-work mercs and a team of professional soldiers whose name no one could corroborate. The report she'd given to her administration heads was far different.

"Yes, Lainy, the same."

"Sounds like the mercenaries are nothing short of heroes."

"I agree."

"It's a shame they didn't survive the arduous trip back to civilization," Lainy said.

Their smile didn't falter, but Angelique was an expert at reading people. Galack-C was fishing for a story. Angelique expected nothing less.

"As is written in the report, the whereabouts of the mercenary team are unknown at this time. There are a few accounts of them being killed during a hull collapse in transit, but I can not corroborate any of it. All I can confirm is when we arrived at Dominicus Station they could not be found."

"There are some who say that is the true tragedy. The heroes of this tale aren't able to enjoy the fame and reward for bringing you and your fellow survivors back to us."

"I have to disagree. The true tragedy is the loss of life," Angelique corrected.

"So true, I misspoke," Lainy said with a knowing wink to the camera.

Galaxy Live was known for its host's inside jokes and promotion of conspiracy. They were loved and their distributor provided the Farnsworth administration access to discounted shares. That was why Angelique subjected herself to the skewed interview.

"Where were we?"

"ECS Dark Horse."

"Yes, the Dark Horse. Destroyed by the pirates in an unexpected blitz attack."

"That is what the damage to the ship implied," Angelique explained. "There were no survivors on the interceptor, organic or mechanic. The pirates had been thorough. However, there was evidence on the ship's black box suggesting the crew had deployed dark space beacons. The Singapore's Core AI used that data and the codes for the illegal jump gate to place us in position to be rescued by an EC tug sweeping the jump stream."

"Yet another fantastic element of The Singapore's space odyssey. My guest last month, Professor Acosta-Espada, explained to my viewers the technique used by the jumpstream tug was all speculative as late as a year ago. You and the Singapore survivors were putting a lot of faith in a technology which hadn't been cleared for standard use."

"Despite the success of our rescue, it will be years before the technique becomes standard practice. Yet credit must be given to the men and women of ECS Dark Horse. If they had not followed us into uncharted space we might still be lost or worse."

"Indeed, Madam CEO. Indeed." A Cyber-Hop riff began playing and the camera drone operator signaled to Lainy. "It seems that it's time for a word from our sponsors. Don't go anywhere, faithful viewers. Galaxy Live will be right back with the allustrious EC CEO, Madam Angelique Farnsworth."

Angelique displayed her rehearsed smile to the camera and excused herself. A pair of Executive Service Agents escorted her from the sound stage and down the hall to the room secured for her while she recorded the interview. At both ends of the hall were more agents, chosen for their training in anti-terrorism and asset security. They were highly decorated, highly skilled, and on high alert.

Inside her room awaited two Executive Services Special Agents. One was tall stocky with a friendly face and dark brown skin. The other was short with a wiry physique and eyes that seemed to distrust everything they saw. The former smiled as the CEO entered, the latter studied both Angelique and her escort with fine scrutiny.

"Agents Mack and Brown?" she asked.

"Madam CEO, it is an honor," said Agent Mack as he shook her hand.

"Ma'am," was all Agent Brown offered.

"Has the room been swept for bugs as I instructed?"

"Yes, Madam," replied Agent Mack.

"Then swept a second time to ensure nothing was missed," Agent Brown added.

"Excellent," Angelique said. "Make sure we are not disturbed." Her escort nodded and left her alone with the two special agents. "Your names were at the top of a number of lists when I asked The Board for suggestions of agents who could be trusted. Can I trust you, agents?"

"Absolutely," said Mack.

"Yeah," said Brown.

"Good. What I say in this room is confidential, with a top executive level clearance tag attached."

Agent Mack stiffened at the realization no one with less than CEO access could know about their discussion. Agent Brown seemed mildly impressed.

"If we are clear, I'll get directly to the point. My abduction was not only an attack on my person, but an attack on the Earth Conglomerate as a whole. The people responsible must be dealt with harshly, but I have reason to believe they have agents within The Board of Directors as well as high positions within the military. I need information before I move against them."

"Don't worry, Madam CEO. We will find these pirates and they will be brought to justice," said Agent Mack.

"My partner is correct, ma'am. All we need is a name and a place to start looking," said Agent Brown.

"The Pale Garden. It's either the name of a secret army or a shadow government. I need to know which."

"With Mack & Brown on the case, you'll get your man."

"Woman. You're after a woman."

"Where do we begin our investigation, ma'am?"

"Start with a team of mercs led by a man called Spider."

"We're on it, Madam CEO."

To be continued...

Eagle X, Mission 15: The Singapore IncidentWhere stories live. Discover now