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Chapter Eight !

"You are going to clear him because he was nice?" Mark asked Baekhyun as they walked inside their Calculus class. They both sat down on their designated desks, and Baekhyun looked at Mark after he placed his backpack down on the floor.

"I didn't say that." Baekhyun clarified and Mark sighed. "He wanted a sincere apology from Jackson, but he also understood that his behavior lately might be from the pressure he has as captain. Especially with the game this week."

Mark was still skeptical about what his friend was telling him. Like he was hiding something. "Why do I feel like you're not telling me the whole truth?" He asked suspiciously.

Baekhyun looked offended by his question. "Are you calling me a liar?" The older asked.

"No, I believe what you're saying," Mark said. "I just feel like you only told me 80% of the conversation."

"What if I told you that the other 20% of the conversation was me flirting with him?" Baekhyun teased.

"Baekhyun." Mark sighed.

"Jeez, I'm joking." Baekhyun said as he saw Mark's expression. "No, but seriously, he doesn't give off any bad vibes. And honestly, even when he seemed a bit annoyed at first it didn't feel threatening. He just didn't like what he went through and I totally understand that."

"Yeah, I can understand too. I would also feel frustrated if the person that caused me discomfort got someone to apologize for them." Mark said softly.

"See? So, if anything I feel like Jackson could actually be the problem with whatever they have going on." Baekhyun said.

Mark sighed and figured maybe his friend was right after all. Was there really any point in defending Jackson to his friends when he knows that it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows lately? It could actually be as simple as Jackson just growing more possessive than he used to be and he really wants to fix that.

But the problem was that his friends won't take it well.

"Oh, I have to ask you something." Baekhyun once again spoke.

"What is it?" Mark said as he began to take out his textbook and notebook from his backpack.

"What's the junior varsity team like?"

Mark looked back at him with a frown. Why is Baekhyun suddenly so interested about them?

"Like, are they assholes?" Baekhyun asked.

"Oh, totally." Mark nodded. "They definitely embody the cliche jock that we see on TV."

"Well, that sucks," Baekhyun slumped his shoulders. "Have you seen Jaebeom act that way?"

"Hmm, actually no," Mark said as he thought through the times he interacted with Jaebeom. "You know, you might be right about him. He was just doing his own thing. He really is nice now that I think about it."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah," Mark said. "But why do you ask?"

Baekhyun sighed and looked around the classroom before leaning closer and lowering his voice.

"Jongdae said that they're terrible and I shouldn't bother them."

Mark knew that Jongdae was somewhat correct. He had his fair share of dealing with the basketball team ever since he hooked up with Jackson.

"He is kinda right," Mark said. "This year, they're a bit different. They're more annoying than asshole-y. But still, I would definitely watch out just in case they pull surprises and they turn out to be worse than the previous years."

Deserve Better ㅆ MarkbumWhere stories live. Discover now