The Death Angel

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Sangwoo looked at bums body for an answer of what was happening to him. Bums veins in his left arm was popping which made Sangwoo realize that bums chest was moving paradoxically the left lung is in distress. “OH FUCK!” Sangwoo quickly ran to his garage and got a bucket. He put everything he needed to save yoonbum from dying. He didn’t have much time, he was breathing but it was constricted. He ran back to the room watching over bum as he started to make something out of all the stuff he got. Narrow sixteen inch tube. Handling tape. Gloves. Two bottles of Liquor. He got a knife that has a five inch blade. It’s the perfect length to save bum. First Sangwoo took bum laying him flat on his floor. The blonde put the tube and knife in bums stomach and poured one whole bottle of liquor on them to sterilize them. Then he put the gloves on and pours some of the second bottle on them. Then he took the knife into his hand and cut the tube one half was longer than the other. Sangwoo put both ends on the tube into the bottle of liquor that still had some in it then took the handling tape to tape the top on the bottle tightly wrapping it. He then looked at bums left side he knew the incision needed to take place two rips down. Sangwoo used his forefinger to find the perfect spot in between the second and third rip. He takes the knife again and his pressed it into the boys lung and takes the longer tube into his free hand. Sangwoo pressed the tube into bums lung then lifted the bottle of liquor up. Sangwoo watched for a moment and bum gasped harshly for air spiting out some blood. “Oh my god, bum!? Yoonbum!” He yelled. “I... if I don’t take you to the hospital you will die. I can’t fix your throat... I could fix your lung, But this is only a temporary thing. Bum?! Can you here me?? I don’t care if I end up in jail! I can’t let you die. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Sangwoo try’s to apologize but can only see Bum is still not really responding but he was breathing. He took one of his hands and called the hospital and told the ambulance that he found his gay lover in the street beaten up. “Please... hurry...” Sangwoo was actually in tears looking at bum breathing hard.

Bum opened his eyes a little and looked at the male "s-sangwoo?.." He whispered and cough blood barley breathing he panted heavily and felt his chest felling really hot burns as he was  dizzy

Sangwoo held the bottle a little higher and cried into a kiss with bum. “I really do love you....” Sangwoo tears soaked the boys face. The medics busted the door down and police rushed into the bedroom.
Medics took the bottle from Sangwoos hand and the police slammed him in to ground. “you have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire.” Sangwoo watches as the boy that stole his heart and made him want to change his ways ripped away from his sight.

"Sangwoo! N-No..." Bum whispered and breathed heavily "w-wait he-he didn't-" he cough a lot of blood and felt more dizzy

Sangwoo gritted his teeth as he heard Bum as the pain cut through his wrists as the cop cuffed him slinging him upward. “Have you been drinking?” Sangwoo snarled at the policeman and didn’t say anything. He was yanked outside the house and thrown into the back seat. He couldn’t help to start laughing. His laughter began to sound like a sick chuckle like he was slowly going insane. “This... kahhaha! This is what brought me down! Heh. Heh. Nughahaa!!” Sangwoo banged his head on the window hard. “I love him so much.”

Bum stayed on the floor cried of pain "s-sangwoo... I-I need you.."

Hours of Interrogations and augments filled the small black room. Sangwoo was drilled about his past. He did kill his parents but he never told the truth about it. He pushed it to the side telling them he couldn’t remember that far back. Then something interesting happened. They bring up the girl he had killed. She was actually a policeman’s daughter and she had called her father before she went to sangwoos house. Telling them she was going to sangwoos house to try to see if he really was Capable of killing someone. That stuck Sangwoo hard he didn’t get nervous he only said “she left my house when I tried to have sex with her. I must’ve read her wrong.” Sangwoo said lightly as if he didn’t know where she went. Then they pounded him for more answers about yoonbum. “We’ve been together for a while. I didn’t know I was gay until I met him.” They asked him what happened to him. “I don’t know. He told me he was going to come over after he cleaned his house. He said it would only take A few hours and i waited. I thought I could go shopping because it was talking longer than I thought. When I went outside my house I found a body laying in a alley. It was—” Sangwoo started to cry not from his lie but from the fact he had done this to him. “Please I didn’t do anything. Can I see—“ Sangwoo choked on yoonbums name again. “Please he needs me..... I know he is scared, I’m probably more scared than him, I don’t want him to die.” Sangwoo cried hiding his face.

Bum closed his eyes fighting for his life and tried to sit up "s-sangwoo!" He panted and walked slowly but fell "sangwoo.." He whispered and keep tried to walked barley breathing and barley see "sangwoo!!" He tried screamed "sangwoo!!" He panicked 'is he left me' he cried more trying to gets upstairs "s-sangwoo?" He fell all the way down stairs and hit his back against the wall "ughhh!!!" Bum screamed of pain

After they had done the surgery for the boys neck and was in the hospital for almost an entire day they had discharged him and took him back to sangwoos house. The boy shot up out of his drug induced state. “Hey! There! Stop his before he kills himself!” A medic yells at the others they rush after him and missed his arm witch made bum sling down the stairs. “Shit!” They ran down the stairs and got him. “Sangwoo is headed here calm down.” One of the medics said picking him up taking him the bed.

The police officer ordered a lie detector test just to see if Sangwoo was lying about anything he had said. Sangwoo cried through the whole thing. It made the readings say he was telling the truth about everything because he was already upset. “Can we stop this bull shit? I’m innocent!” Sangwoo lies once again. The cop nods “fine. Take him back to his house. Bum was escorted to sangwoos house nurses and medics are going to stay at your house for a month until he is Completely healed.” Sangwoo looked at the cop as he was taken from the room and put into a car.

Bum saw the medics lifted him "n-no don't touch me" he screamed he was afraid "where is sangwoo!!" He screamed again "I Need him!" He tried to push the medic away

As soon as Sangwoo was close to his house he jumped of the car rolling. He got to his feet and ran to his front door put in the key number. He pushed the door open running through the house. “YOONBUM!??” Sangwoo yelled.

Bum heared the male calling him and shouted "SANGWOO!!" He said with tears wanna see him so badly "i-im here!" He said laying on the males bed

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