Feel Me

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Bum groaned when sangwoo slammed him on the ground and moans "ahhh~ sangwoo!!!~" Bumi felt his cock deep inside and lost his mind "ngh!~~"

Sangwoo laughs as he barely drags his nails up the back of the frail boy slowly and hissing sighs as he jumped his cock into his slutty wet hole tugging the boys hair "what am I to you?" Sangwoo asked slapping the boys ass

"Nya! Ahh!!~~~ m-my master!~" bum couldn't control his voice and moans loudly

Sangwoos laugh booms listening to bums voice hitch sounding like a little boy going through puberty. In fact that made sangwoo drool fucking him hard "now count every time I slam my cock into you, mutt"

Bum pants heavily and nods "o-okay"

Sangwoo thrust ten times very hard and slow wrapping his huge hand on bums cock "now count"

“O-One.." Bum pants and sobbed a little "two... Thr.. Ngh!"

"Come on Bum you can do it! I’ve done worse to you and you was able to mouth me off where is that now?” Sangwoo slams his cock into Bum slowly.

Bumi panted heavily "a-ahh!! F-Four!" Bum groans loudly and blushs darkly.

Sangwoo Looked down at the boy giving him a smack to the hip “Five-six-seven-EIGHT! Arghh ggrrahhhaa~” Sangwoo bucked his hard and slow.

Bum barely could talk and fell on the floor "nghh! S-Sangwoo!" He moans really loud.

Sangwoo chuckles sexually “awe... you’re such a dirty bitch...” Sangwoo yanks bum back on his knees bringing bums back into his torso and his sweating abs rubbing against his back as he kept thrusting into the poor boy listening to his cries his cock throbbing deep inside the boy. He then turned bum back around laying him flat and gliding his hands on the boy’s boney hips and thighs he grows out “fuck bum I want to eat your dick...” Sangwoo said softly kissing his skinny love handles.

Bum felt a pleasure and moans loudly "n-nyaa~ sangwoo t-too deep!!" As Bumi was turned around he looks at sangwoo in the eyes. ".... eat me master!!" Bum hics out.

Sangwoo sighed smiling lightly before he took all of bum into his mouth moaning hard at the salty taste of bums virginity. Bum had never fucked anyone with his cock. This would be the first time for his cock to be touched in such a way. "Mmm.. so delicious... Tell me bum... tell me that your cock is all mine." Sangwoo said greedily.

Bum moans im pleasure and his legs speading wider "sangwoo~" bumi moans his name softly and bit his bottom lip "it's a-all yours!"

"Thats right, cunt..." Sangwoo laughs before deep throating the males small cock sneering. He slurped and sucked his cock hard.

Bum covers his mouth trying to holds his voice in "n.. Mm!" bum blushed dark red and holds on sangwoo's shoulders "sangwoo p-please fuck me~"

Sangwoo laughs pulling away from bums drooling cock that twitched and tensed up with excitement. Sangwoo rubbed his hand on the boys pink asshole huffing "Is my mutt in heat right now? It would explain alot... why you've been acting up lately...." sangwoo cooed at his pet as he sat on bums small dick riding it... sure it was small but sangwoo liked how thick he was he rode him hard forcing him into his ass

"nyaa sangwoo!" Bum covers his mouth and tried moan but his voice broke. he tried to grab something to squeezes on "n-ngh! Sangwoo!" Bumi bit his lip

Sangwoo laughs taking the boys frial hands and putting them on his hips rocking slowly gurnting a little. He leans down "I wanted you to know how you make me feel..." sangwoo pets bum and kissing him hard.

Bum kissed back and moaned on the kiss, bum pants and hugged him "sangwoo..."

Sangwoo pulled bum on top of him "now please fuck my slutty hole with your cock." Sangwoo cupped his small face waiting for his little mutt to take advantage of his body.

Bumi blushed and covers his face "s-sangwoo I've never done this before"

"Bum... listen. Dont worry about that. Im sure you understand what to do." Sangwoo smiled grabbing is ass moving bums hips. "Its alot easier that taking my cock in your ass... or is that what you want?" Sangwoo huffed

Bum still covers his face "i-i don't know...."

"Would you rather ride my fat cock?" Sangwoo asked observing bums embarrassment

Bum uncovered his face and looks at sangwoo, still blushing

"What is it?" Sangwoo asked observing him and pulling away slowly

"I love you" bum said softly and looks away

Sangwoo rubbed his hands on bums back then to his ass squeezing them "i love you too..."

Bum buried his face in sangwoo's chest and whispered "I really do.."

"I know..." sangwoo pets bum rather confused of what just happened. He didnt have the desire to fuck bum anylonger. He felt as though he needed to hold the boy tightly in his arms. He drows frowned deeply as he looked at bum embacing his chest. He felt a lump in his throat as he tried to say something. He coughed lightly clearing his throat. "Bum... listen... you wanna make this thing official?" Sangwoo asked.

*im sorry everyone but this fan fiction has finally came to an end i hope everyone like it

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