In The Dog House

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Sangwoo looked down at bum and nodes for him to start screaming. "Oh! My god! Come on bum! What happened??!" Sangwoo acts like something was wrong with him as bum faked screams. "Medics you came just in time I don't know what's happening??" Sangwoo said looking innocent.

Bum faked coughing and not breathing he cough loudly and panted heavily trying to make it looks real

"What the fuck are you watching for you useless shits help him!!" Sangwoo yells and the medics jolt running up to bum and taking him out the tub.

Bum keep coughing and pants heavily looking at the medics

"What happened?" The medic asked looking at Sangwoo
"Didn't I already said I don't know?!" Sangwoo starts to look worried yet really pissed "shouldn't you be worried about Yoonbum and not me?! Fix him!!" Sangwoo yells. The medic jumps from Sangwoo yells and starts trying to find out what wrong. "Everything looks fine. He could be choking on water though." The medic tell the other to get a vacuum pump. They came back fast and the other medic pushing it into bums throat and let it suck out the Water that wasn't there

Bum started to choke and coughing because of the vacuum he couldn't breathe at all and whispered "sangwoo.." really quietly and passed out

"What the fuck are you doing!! It's shameful that anyone would call you medics! Get the fuck out! Now!!" Sangwoo kicks the medic that pushed the vacuum in yoonbum and ripping it out of his mouth. "DIDNT I SAY GET THE FUCK OUT?" Sangwoo snarled at the medics and the all scampered out. Sangwoo leans over to see if bum was breathing and he wasn't. "Fuck...." Sangwoo does CPR on bum when he came to. "Goddamn it. I almost killed you again." Sangwoo pulls away from yoonbum scooting away until his back was to the wall. He hugged himself closing himself off from bum. "I'm like my father... I can't love anyone without hurting them...." Sangwoo cries into his knees.

After awhile bum woke up and sat up fast he didn't remembered what happened and felt pain all over his chest "sangwoo?..." He whispered and looked at him

"No... stay away from me I hurt you again." Sangwoo cried out starting to choke on his breathing. "You can't trust me... don't ever trust me. I'm bad for you. When you get better I'm letting you leave." Sangwoo whimpers "so I can't hurt you again." Sangwoo held his knees so tight that his nails dung into his legs

Bum was shocked and had tears he looked down "go for it I'm not leaving I'll die for the one I love!" Bum said keep looking down crying silently 'is he even loves me?!...' after the mouth was up and the medics left Bum walked down to the basement sat there and put the handcuffs on he went crazy he will die for sangwoo than lose him and go back to the life of nothing

Sangwoo sulked in his room up stairs a lot through the whole month. He didn't want to see him at all but the last day of bum being at his house he wanted to at lest say bye. He went down and seen the medics leave "hey wait! Where is Bum?" The medic pointed at the room he was supposed to be in but he didn't see Bum. 'You idiot you didn't....' Sangwoo growls rushing into the room and running down the stairs. "Are you fucking crazy?!" Sangwoo yelled at the boy that was chained up.

Bum stayed in the basement without water or food but he didn't care "I love you sangwoo" he whispered with tears and smiled "I always do..." He hugged his legs knowing sangwoo will kill him soon so he wanted to see his face one last time "I'll never stop loving you" he whispered and started to blabber words slowly sounded as if he was insane. "He's mine... only mine... mine...!." When he said it wasnt really audioable

"What are you saying!? You are mumbling shit?? Huh?!" Sangwoo walked over to the boy taking him by the hair "talk right!" Sangwoo was so annoyed with yoonbum he was so tempted to kick the boy like a dog.

"Sangwoo I love you more than my life" he whispered "do whatever you want" he looked into the males eyes crying and smiling "do whatever you want to me I'm your slave until the death"

Sangwoo slams yoonbum into the floor and setting on bums back taking off the chains. "You really are a fucking retard." Sangwoo took the boy by the neck yanking it backwards so hard his neck pops a couple times. "I don't love you." Sangwoo hissed out and then smacks the males face it the ground harshly a few times. He then stood up "you are disgusting... an ugly dog i don't want to see your face." He squats in front of bums body pulling his head looking as his mangled bloody face. "Sadly this It more beautiful than your actual face is supposed to look like." Sangwoo laughs banging his head into the ground more. He soon grew tired of doing that and he took the male up stairs and threw him out of his house like a stray cat. "Stay the fuck away from me." Sangwoo said slamming the door.

Bum was bleeding all over his face he felling the pair course through right ti the core. when the male said he didnt love him he looked at the door slammed in front of his face he cried tears making the blood flow faster. he didn't care being naked and just curled up into a ball hugging his knees staying at the front door he fell asleep not moving at all.

After Sangwoo slams the door he leans his ear against the door listening to the boy crying his name. Sangwoos face ripples into a crying frown, he knew the male wouldn't leave. 'Fuck why is he torturing me like this?' Sangwoo slides down the door and opened the small circle on at the bottom of the door. He put his hand outside of it hoping bum would at least hold it. 'I thought if I broke yoonbums heart he'd leave... I was wrong' Sangwoo wanted to touch his hand but he still waited. He feel asleep with his arm out the door until nightfall. He refused to let the male back him and refused to move until he felt bums touch again.

Bum was holding sangwoos hand keep cried silently he was hungry and had a headache but he didn't care about it all he cared about was sangwoo "I love you..." He whispered even though he knew sangwoo doesn't he hugged the males arm close to his chest

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