Chapter 9 - Stitches

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It's loud for a Tuesday night

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It's loud for a Tuesday night. There's not music playing tonight thanks to the Rangers game but the bar is still loud. People are yelling and chatting, not just about the game and how the Rangers are totally gonna have their season this time. People are rambling about anything and everything, including Tom and Harrison who were happily sat at their own table. The two had tall glasses of beer, ready for consumption and a real night out. There's a lingering thought of you in the back of Tom's head and he hasn't looked at a single girl because of it, unbeknownst to him anyway. If anyone asked, Tom would probably think it's just because he hasn't been out with Harrison in a bit. But, it's both no matter how much he wants to try and deny it.

"How's the bet going?" Harrison smirks, taking a drink from his beer.

"Good, why?" Tom asks, quirking a brow with suspicion.

Harrison shrugs. "You're not supposed to fall in love with her, right?" Harrison teases.

"Says I'm falling?" Tom counters.

"We've been here three hours, you're not pissed, you've not picked a fight, and you've not even looked at the hot redhead who's been eyeing you all bloody night."

Tom moves his stare to the strawberry blonde who was seated at a table diagonal of theirs. Her cheeks tinted pink but she gave Tom a mischievous grin. She's cute, beautiful even and any other night, Tom would be taking a big drink from his glass and making his way over to her, sure he was going to get laid. But, tonight, he smiled and looked back to Harrison, sipping on his second beer of the night.

"C'mon, she said you didn't have to stay abstinent." Harrison pushes, his voice is teasing but it's mostly because he wants Tom to just admit it to himself.

Harrison knows Tom like the back of his hand and he knows Tom's never looked at anyone the way he looks at you. Tom's never even spoken about someone the way he talks about you. The first time you went boxing together, Tom didn't stop talking to Harrison about it the following day. He explained what happened and how he got you to go with him, his hands were expressive and the smile danced crossed his face. Tom was falling faster and harder by the second and Harrison knew full and well that if Tom didn't start admitting it, you weren't going to be there to catch him.

"Just making sure I don't fuck up is all." Tom says nonchalantly, ignoring the skip of his heart.

"How long are you gonna keep lying to yourself?" Harrison says, his voice showing the slightest touch of frustration.

"Not lying, mate." Tom leans back in his chair but there's a cheesy grin on his face.

Harrison went to laugh but the bar door opened and his face fell in seconds. He watched as the people entered and took their seats at the bar. Harrison's heart started to pound in his ears and anxiety consumed his veins, not for him, but for Tom.

"I know you never listen to me and you've essentially made it your life's goal to do the fuckin' opposite of whatever I tell you, but please, can we leave?" Harrison asks and Tom looks at him with confusion, Harrison's expression showing his sudden distaste for the area they were in.

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