Chapter 13 - Winter In July

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The rest of the day and night had gone by smoothly and without a hitch

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The rest of the day and night had gone by smoothly and without a hitch. You and Tom spent the time watching movies and TV, joking around and just enjoying each other's company. Part of you did find yourself a little worried about what would happen when you left and the next day would come. Tom's being sweet now and he seems to have a genuine interest in you but after a night alone will that wear off? But, that thought always fades away when he smiles at you because he can't just look at you like that and then want nothing to do with you, no matter how hard he tries.

As for Tom, he knows he'd be waking up the next morning and he'd regret letting you in but he pushed it away because he knows that he'd see you the next day and your bright smile and innocent eyes would flood the regret away. Sure, he's going to be fucking scared out of his mind and every second he's not with you, he'll want to run and find a way to get rid of the goosebumps that form when he thinks about your touch. But, he won't. His fear of getting hurt doesn't top the fear of hurting you.

So, when the next day came around, it was no surprise Tom was a little warier around you but you kept your kind smiles and left it at that. You didn't mention the events of the night or day prior. You left them where they should stay because those moments together were moments of Tom's vulnerability. How he acts now, after the fact, will determine where you both stand. You only want him to at least keep up your friendship, going to the gym everyday with friendly banter and cheeky smiles. And lucky for you, that's what Tom really wants, too.

However, instead of the gym, you always ended up at Tom's turning on a movie and talking. With Tom's side, he wasn't too keen on going to the gym and you were more than okay with that because you just want him to heal and feel better. So, movie nights after work with a pizza and popcorn as a snack becomes your new normal for the next five days.

At first, you always started off on opposite sides of the couch, sharing the grey blanket but as the few days went by, you found yourselves growing closer until you were back to holding hands and you leaning your head on his shoulder. Sure, it seemed you had taken ten steps forward but nine steps back but that was okay because neither of you wanted to express anything in a time of vulnerability and fear. That would lead to a disaster and Tom already promised himself that this would be different. He'd go slow. Slow meant taking five days to cuddle into each other which, to his surprise, felt amazing and relieving, comforting even.

Now, it's the day before the end of the bet and Tom's arm is around you, your head on his chest while you play with his fingers of his opposite hand. They're calloused but warm and soft, strong and thin. His knuckles are cracked and chapped, the red standing out against the paleness of his skin.

"Tom?" You ask and a rumble goes through his chest with a hum. "You busy tomorrow?"

"Nah," Tom says, looking down at you. "Harrison's got work and after, I guess he's goin' out with the girl from the coffee place." Tom moves his stare back to the TV, Lost playing on the TV this time, a show Tom had convinced you to watch with him.

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