Chapter 22 - Lost Hope

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There's blood still being coughed up as Tom's hands shake

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There's blood still being coughed up as Tom's hands shake. He runs out of the bathroom and to the bedroom, ripping his phone from his charger. He dials 9-1-1 as fast his fingers would allow him as he moved back into the bathroom with you. His voice shook and raised with every passing second, the urgency evident in how fast he was speaking to the operator.

He knew something could happen. You had told him that sometimes things just...happen. Tom is well aware that if you do not get a heart, you die. That's how it is but, just like you said about Alex, it's not real until it happens. It's as if he's been living in some fairytale the past few months, cautious of what could happen but not rightfully preparing himself as he tried to stay optimistic as best as he could. Tom always expects the worst but he really didn't expect this.

Tom kept the phone on speaker as you waited for an ambulance. He relayed everything that was going on but he went dead silent when the wheezing started. You coughed up more blood and tugged at the top of the hoodie as if you felt it was choking you. Your breathing became more labored as seconds passed and it felt like minutes. Tom helped you out of the hoodie but it didn't feel like it was him. It was like he was watching from above, not fully there. You can't breathe and there's blood. Tom can't but think you're really dying on him.

The paramedics came after only a few minutes and Tom let them in, leading them to the bathroom. By then, you were still barely breathing, hardly to form full sentences.

"Uh," Tom stutters, taking over. "She has dilated cardiomyopathy and is on the transplant list for a new heart." His voice is bland, emotionless as he just watches them connect you to different wires and put a mask on you. "I-I don't...I don't' what happened."

"Do you know who her doctor is?" One of the paramedics asks.

"Um..." Tom tries to remember. You ran your medical history by him a few weeks before, making sure he knew just in case something like this happened. You might be hopeful, but you're not stupid. You have to be prepared for the worst. "Choi, Doctor Choi at Hodgkins." Tom gets out.

The paramedic nods as they move you onto the stretcher. "You can ride with us." She says as they move out of the bathroom.

Tom follows them, only glancing into the bloodied bathroom. What's he supposed to do? He's going to go with them but then what? He's going to be stuck at the hospital. He's not family. All Tom is is your boyfriend. And that's just it. He's your boyfriend and part of that responsibility is calling your dad. What the hell is he supposed to tell your dad?

They get into the ambulance and Tom is able to hold your hand. You're still conscious, the mask helping you breathe and helping to keep you conscious. Your grip is loose on his, something he can't stand. You might have small hands compared to Tom but whenever you'd have your grip on him whether it be his hand or around his waist, it was always tight as if you were the only one afraid of him disappearing. But, now Tom's hand is gripping yours harder than ever as if the harder he holds your hand, the longer you'll stay. You won't just be able to slip and fall. You'll be able to hang on, hang onto him.

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