Chapter 3

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-Michaels pov-

I had to get out of there. I've never met someone in my life that's so..distant. She's like a ghost and I don't know how to feel about it to be honest.

I paced up the street towards the bus stop. Out of breathe I reached the familiar spot with a little time to spear since I was walking so fast. I lent against the pole with the sign 'bus stop' on it and looked down towards the coffee shop I just rushed out of.

I do feel a bit rude just leaving her there but i was little afraid of her coldness. the way she just starred straight with no expression, like she had no life left in her veins, no purpose.

A feeling started to grow in my stomach that I wasn't sure of, it was like she was now my responsibility to bring her back to life. I don't even know the girl and I already feel attractive to her in an extremely weird way.

The bus pulled up a few minutes later and I hoped on and walked towards the back taking a seat against the window. I plugged head phones in and placed them in my ears in an attempt to drown out the world.

But My mind kept going back to one thing..



I arrived home about 20 minutes later since it's a little bit of a drive to my house. it's kind of on the outskirts of sydney and let's just say it's not the smallest house. basically my parents are really rich because they own some company that runs stadiums.

I don't really pay attention because to be honest I couldn't give less of a fuck about my parents or there filthy rich jobs. They are never here anyway because there always just 'to busy', which is fine with me because having a 3 story house all to yourself is nothing to complain about.

As I flopped onto my bed I felt my phone vibrate from my bedside table. I reached over and swiped my finger across the screen not bothering to read the caller ID.

"Yes?" I spoke into the phone not really wanting to talk to anyone.

"Well hey to you to fag" my best friends voice rang through the phone. I flipped over so I was starring at the ceiling and swapped the phone to the other ear.

"Hey bonnie" I sighed not to impressed that she called me since I had other things on my mind.

"Right, there's a party on Saturday and you kinda have to come" she cheered into the phone.

"Why do I have to come" I furrowed my eyebrows at her statement more so than a question.

"Cos I said so, and I need my best friend there in order to have a good time ok? Now I want you to bring someone because I'm so sick of trying to hook you up with girls" she laughed and I gasped in fake hurt.

"Fuck of, I'm quite the catch I think" I retorted, over confidently. I started to wonder who I was gonna take though.

"Alright loser Ill let you go" she sighed obviously becoming bored of me.

"Bye loser" I cheered before hanging up and through my phone to the other side of the bed.

-Alex's pov-

I found my self walking in the door around 5 in that afternoon. after my in counter with Michael I decided to take my mind of things and go for a long walk, I had to go out anyway because I had to collect my pills I'm on from the local chemist.

I placed the bag with the medication down on the kitchen table along with my phone.

As I started to make my way to my bedroom my phone started to buzz behind me. I slowly walked to it and picked it up to see an unknown number calling. I decided to answer it not wanting to be rude.

"Hello?" I questioned Into the phone. I took a seat at the island and propped myself up with my elbows.

"Are you busy on Saturday" the unknown answered from the other line. it took me a few seconds to recognise the voice but I soon realised.

"I don't know you Michael, why are you asking me this" I sighed wondering why he was even calling me, wait

"Wait how did you get my number" I suddenly realised that I hadn't given him my number, I don't even have that many people In my phone.

"That doesn't matter right now, right now I need you to answer me are you free on Saturday night or not" he in patiently asked.

"No" I lied, I don't really trust Michael enough to go somewhere with him on Saturday which wool probably be a club of some sought.

"Don't lie to me Alexandra" he firmly said although he was joking.

"that is not my name" I whined, I hated when people called me that. "Why are you so eager to take me somewhere on Saturday night Anyway" I questioned.

Micheal sighed after a while, "I'm trying to be your friend alex, it dosnt seem like you have many so I-"

"So your making an assumption that I have no friends and so you feel sorry for me, therefore your forcing yourself to invite me to this event on Saturday night because you pitty me? is that what it is" I fired feeling hurt that he was already making assumptions about me when he didn't know me.

I know he was just trying to be nice but I hated when people think they have me all figured out.

The line went quite for a little bit, probably because Michael just wanted to hang up now and ask someone else.

"Sorry" I quietly said after a while, feeling bad for snapping at him.

"I jus-" I began to apologise but he cut me of.

"Don't apologise alex" he blankly said through the line.

"What time are you picking me up and what do I wear" I gave in deciding to go have some fun for once in my life.

"I'll be at your front door at 7 so be ready, oh and wear something you can dance in" I chuckled before hanging up.

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