chapter 4

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I hummed meaningless lyrics as I examined myself through to full length mirror in my bedroom. the tight black dress I had on I hadn't worn in so long still fitted perfectly, hugging all the right places.

I swivelled round and reached for my phone as it vibrated to see who was messaging me. when I saw who it was from the smallest of smiles creeped onto my glossed lips knowing I was actually doing someone for once in my life tonight. lets hope nothing goes wrong.

quickly replying to michaels text saying he was here I fetched my only pair of black high heels and swiftly walked towards the door.

I opened it to to find a bright smile and red hair? "your hair!" I laughed as Michael stepped back and whistled making my cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"you look-" Michael started but I cut him of a little to harshly my smile dropping, "please don't fuel my non existent self esteem I'm awkward when it comes to accepting compliment so I wouldn't try" I rushed blankly realising that I was lashing out again instead of trying to be nice.

Michael raised his hands as in self defence chuckling a little before grabbing my wrist and walking towards his parked car.

what I didn't realise is that when we reached his car there was a man dressed in all black waiting to open our doors. I froze in my spot, feeling slightly uncomfortable with this situation now. "pull it together" I whispered to myself before looking up to see Michael waiting for me to jump in first. I hesitantly stepped forward and lowered myself into the expensive car and then scooted over for Michael to sit as well.

as the driver started the car and drove of to his destination I slowly turned to Michael wanting an explanation.

Michael realised after a while I was staring blankly at him waiting for him to give me an answer as to why he has a personal motherfucking driver.

he sighed and turned to face me, "well I'm guessing your wondering why a boy with bright red hair is doing going around with a personal driver?" he questioned amused at my confused expression.

"well.." he dragged out "my parents are kind of rich and don't trust me with a car seeing as what I did to my last one" he chuckled to himself before continuing, "so they order my old mate her george to drive me around, I mean it's kinda weird sometimes but I'm kind of used to all this stuff by now" he finished, fixing his gaze on me.

I simply nodded not really having a better answer. I looked out the window and started to wonder to myself what it would be like to have really rich parents, I bet they care about him at least.

we arrived at the party a short time later as it wasn't to far from where I lived. the house was pretty big judging from the outside and teens flooded the front area of it flowing out of every door visible, a drink in hand.

Michael jumped out of the car first and then reached in for my hand. I ignored it and slid out myself much to michaels confusion.

"I don't like being touched" I coldly stated before waiting for Michael to lead me into the house. he huffed before walking towards the front door already greeting people.

as he opened the front door the music and smoke and the amount of people increased by at least 10 times. people where grinding on each other or taking shots or yelling for no reason.

I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety come over me as I stepped into the kitchen where Michael had led us to. it was so crowded and there where some eyes on me, obviously judging or making false assumptions.

I watched as Michael grabbed two cups from the bench and poured a red substance into both, handing me one.

"here, drink up" he urged before sculling it all down in a matter of seconds. I looked at the red drink in my hand before placing it down next to me not wanting to take part in the drinking part of the night.

I herd shouts come from behind Michael before a tall blonde boy and and a pretty bubbly girl bumped into michael laughing as he hugged both of them.

"um guys this is my um friend? alex" Michael beamed as the boy and the girl looked in my direction.

"oh right hey michaels um friend!" the girl cheered before coming forward and hugging me tightly, obviously heavily intoxicated.

I tensed up not knowing what to do, Michael soon realised and chuckled grabbing the girl and pulling her of me.

"aye bonnie maybe lay of the PDA for now Alex dosnt really like to be touched" he stated before coming to my side in a protective manor.

"oh okay" bonnie? simply nodded and sauntered away calling for someone to dance with her. the tall blonde boy rushed after her quickly smiling at us as he passed.

"sorry about that she can get a bit forward sometimes" Michael laughed quietly before pouring himself another drink.

i just nodded and looked around to examine the party. "look I'm going to go talk to some friends so I'll meet you back here in a bit" he smiled before setting of into the crowded room.

I stood there alone. looking around at all the people not recognising one person. I felt so out of place by now. I new I shouldn't have come to this party, lets face it I'm not welcome in these kind of environments.

I slowly walked into another room which seemed to be the living room where the music was coming from. after a couple of seconds of standing by the wall I felt hands rap around my waste from behind. I froze not knowing who it was before spinning around in shock.

I was met with an unfamiliar head of dark hair and a toned face. he was attractive but that didn't help that I was basically being groped. my panicking started to kick in and my hands started to get sweaty as I tried to detach my self from the boy.

it was no use, he spun me around and pulled me towards the crowd of dancing teens before gripping tightly on my hips.

he started sloppily grinding on my and my anxiety levels when through the roof. I tried to pull away but he was to strong.

"just dance with me baby" he whispered into my ear before lowering his lips to my neck and messily sucking on my skin. I chocked out words trying to get away before I broke down.

I started to feel week in my knees and I started to shake, oh no not this again. I new I was having a panick attack and I had to get out of here fast but all I could do was sob into the hand that was over my mouth.

the tanned guy started to feel me up starting feeling up my stomach. all I could do was push his hand away and tug away from him one more time.

I started to feel Dizzy and I tried to grip onto something incase I fell but the only thing visible around me was the guy feeling me up and the strange bodies around me.

I shut my eyes tight before I herd someone shout my name, it was Michael.

wow so it's like 4 am, I'm such a shitty writer lel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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