Chapter 3

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Today is the day I am 3 months Pregnant and I have my sencond ultrasound and Matt is coming with he didnt get to come to the first one becuase he had to work so it is kinda great to have him see his kid. Next month we get to see the gender of the baby I hope it is a girl but a boy would be great to. They ask us if we wanted a printed copy of they ultrasound and I said yes.

When we got back home we showed it to my mom and she started to cry. Matt tried to call his mom and dad an work things out but they changed there number. He seemed so sad but he didnt want to try and cry he just looked at the picture of the cute little baby. He hugs me and tells me that he cant wait to find out what it is.

We get into bed and he is rubbing my belly and he is thinking of baby names. He said Tommy, Devin, or Kyle for boys. Molly, Spencer, Emily and Kaylee for girls. He is so happy to find out about the gender of its a girl or a boy he just cant wait to start buying all the girls outfits or boys outfits.

The next morning we go to the store to buy some diapers and a crib and a changing table and a couple of bottles. Then I call of Cassidy to talk to her about all the stuff going on and to show her the baby. and tell her the names we picked out we told her to bring Justin so him and Matt could talk. When they get to the mall we are in the food court and we are all talking Justin asked if he could rub my belly and I said of course. Cassidy asked me about everything at school since I am only three months im not really that big yet so not alot of people know about me.

I told her it is going good and that I am going to start telling people before school gets out. I told my group of friends and they told other peoples and everyone was texting me and messageing me on facebook asking if it real. I put up my picture of my ultrasound and said I am three months and next month I will find out the gender and I will be having a gender party and a baby shower at once. I am so happy everyone at school knows. I just wish Matts parents would talk to us.

It is two fourty two in the morning and Matts phone is going off I look at the screen and it says mom I answer it and say sorry Matt is sleeping whats up? She askes me how the baby is and if we can meet her at Dennys for lunch? I said we will be there at noon, and she hangs up. I look at the phone and go back to bed.

My six am alarm is going off to get ready for school I wake up Matt and tell him about his mom calling and lunch. He got a big smile on his face and kisses my belly and then kisses me. We are on are way to school and the doctor is calling me and I answer it she wants us to come in soon so we can find out the gender I made the secdule for next week thursday.

At noon we drive to Dennys to meet his mom and have lunch. She told him that his dad is sorry and they want to be part of the babys life and they are okay with him living with me and okay with the baby and the marriage.

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