Chapter 3

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Ben’s POV:

I felt like we were in a reversed Cinderella. She just got up and ran away, and with my sweatshirt. Not only that, I don’t know her name and I really want to.  The only thing that I have going for me is the sweatshirt. Eventually she will realize and try to find me to return it. I hope. I began to walk to my house. As I walked it began to rain.  I began to shiver without my sweatshirt to keep me warm, but I was still glad I had given it to this beautiful mystery girl.

 As I walked I looked at the houses. Could she live here? I mean does she even live in this town. . As I was walking I saw a very familiar looking minivan. Then it hit me. I have found her!

Charlotte’s POV:

As much as I want to I can’t forget about that boy on the pier. He didn’t hesitate to help me up and he even gave me his sweatshi… Oh god! I still have his sweatshirt! There were no other cars in the lot so he must’ve walked there. I have to return it. It is pouring out he must be freezing! I parked in my driveway and was just about to go back to the pier when I realized that something was in my rearview. I got out of the car to see what it was. I found myself staring at the real version of the face that has been occupying my mind. 

“What are you doing here?” I stuttered.

“Well I saw your car and I just,” He stopped, unable to finish his thought.

“You just wanted your sweatshirt.” I began to take it off, but the boy spoke.

“Wait, um you know what keep it.” He said.

“No really it is fine, I’m fine.” I finished taking off the sweatshirt and handing it to the boy. He pushed it back towards me.

“Keep it.”

I was starting to get annoyed. I didn’t want the sweatshirt. I was done with pity and sympathy. After my mom died people just looked at us with sadness. I couldn’t take it.

“Look,” I said, “I don’t know who you are and I really can't deal with this right now. I have a lot going on.” I turned around and began walking up the steps to Jeanine’s house. I was almost at the door when I realized what I was walking away from, “Look, I’m sorry, I just,” tears filled my eyes and I ran inside. I ran into my room that I shared with the girls and just wished for some privacy. I just needed to cry. I went under my covers and cried until I heard Krista crying. I ran to grab her but Jeanine had beaten me to it.

“Hunny, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” She asked.

“I just, I…” Jeanine hugged me close and I just cried and cried and cried.

An hour later I had finally cleaned myself up enough to tell Jeanine about the boy. 

“Well, I went to the pier that my mom and I used to go to and I was just thinking. I ended falling into the water and this boy..”

“Wait, the boy that was outside earlier?” She asked.

“Oh you saw that?” 

“Saw what? I was talking about the boy that left the note on the steps. Here let me get it.” She said.

Jeanine returned with a handwritten letter addressed to the mystery girl.  It said:

Dear beautiful,

Since I don’t know your name I have decided to call you this. I am so sorry that I have upset you.  I only wanted you to keep the sweatshirt so that I would have a reason to visit you again. If you never want to see me again I understand. If you do, come to the pier tomorrow night.


Jeanine began to giggle and said, “Well I know where you’re going tomorrow night!”

“Jeanine I can’t leave you with all of the kids!”

“Tommorow is your father’s night off remember. He will help me. I want you to go.”

“If you’re sure?”

“Please, it is my gift to you.”

The next day I showered and put on my favorite lacy, white sundress I then headed for the door. On my way I said goodbye to everyone including Jeanine and my Father. I noticed that they were standing kind of close, but I wasn’t going to let that ruin my, well, meeting tonight.  

I got in the minivan and began driving to the pier. My old burned down home is on the way so I try to look at the other side of the road. I pull into the pier and start looking around for Ben. I see his chestnut brown hair and his sparkling blue eyes turn to face me. As I approach he smiles, and puts out his hand.

“Hi, I’m Ben, it is nice to meet you.” I giggle and reach out my hand.

“I’m Charlotte and I’m really sorry about how I acted the other day.” 

He smiles and then grabs my hand once more and pulls me out onto the pier.

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