Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Charlottes POV:

I walked away from the pier with tears in my eyes after yet again, pushing another person away from me. I was still playing the role of the leftover that had no time for herself. Just picking up the pieces. I felt like an awful person just leaving like that…again. I told myself walking away was more for him than for me. The moment at the pier made me so happy - that was when I realized I’m no good for Ben. He needs a girl that will always be there for him. A perfect girl for a perfect boy. I’m just not perfect. I knew that I would only break his heart if I continued pretending that I was. I got in the minivan, yes the freakin’ Mom car that I drive, and made my way home.

Ben’s POV:

Once again she was gone. I know that I need to move on and just forget about the girl with the minivan, but I just can’t seem to stop thinking about her. I had to bite my tongue so that I wouldn’t call after her. I had to bury my feet in sand to avoid running to her and kissing her and telling her that everything we would be all right. Obviously, this was not going to be easy, but I knew I had to try to win this girl back.

* * * *

Charlotte’s POV:

I woke up Monday morning and tried not to think of what I did Saturday night. I helped everyone get dressed and on my way to work I dropped the kids off at daycare while Mitchell and Will went to a friends house. Walking into the store, putting my smock on, I realized just how much I hated working here. Another miserable day filled with miserable people. I walked over to register 3, my register, and put on the light. My first customer came to check out, but I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Mr. Carol, my boss, behind me. 

“Good morning Charlotte.” He smiled.

“Good morning Mr. Carol, what can I do for you?”

“Well I have noticed that you are an extremely great worker.”

“Umm, Thank you...sir.”

“ I was wondering if you could do me the favor of allowing a new employee to shadow you for the next week or two.”

“Sure Mr. Carol.”

“Perfect here he comes now.” 

Mr. Carol pointed toward the crowded automatic doors. I looked through the crowd trying to follow his finger.... that was when I saw a very familiar face.

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