chapter five

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A knock on the door.

,,I'll go!" Emily said before Stephen even had the time to react and rushed to the door. It wasn't a customer because they usually entered by themselves.

She opened the door and smiled.

It was Bucky.

He was wearing a dark red long-sleeved shirt and black pants and boots.

,,Good morning, Strange." He said politely and then turned to Emily. ,,So? Do you want to do something today?"

Emily was surprised. ,,Wait." She said, fighting with the laugh. ,,What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be somewhere else or something?"

,,I don't know." Bucky said and looked around, pretending to look for something. ,,Is the world in danger or do I have to stop an alien attack?"

Emily laughed. ,,Fine, I'll come." She took her coat quickly and looked back at Stephen. The doctor stood behind the box office and didn't look happy. Emily sighed.

,,Wait a second." She said to Bucky and walked to Stephen.

,,What's wrong?" She asked.

,,Nothing." The doctor lied and pretended to sort the books.

,,Doctor, I'm not stupid, I know that you aren't. Please tell me what's going on."

,,I'm fine. Go now."

,,No, not before you tell me what's wrong." To get Stephen's attention, Emily grabbed the book from his hands and started,

,,Tell me-"

,,I said I'm fine!" He yelled. ,,Now get out of here!" His eyes were furious and angry. Emily jumped back, stumbled behind something and fell on the floor.

Stephen inhaled deeply and said, calmer, this time,

,,Please go."

Emily stood up, still shocked about what had happened and went out of the bookshop quickly, not even looking back. She wanted to get out of here.

,,Let's go." She said to Bucky and they walked away.


A day with Bucky turned out to be a must need thing. Emily forgot all her problems and had fun. First, they bought ice cream. Turned out that Bucky hadn't never gotten ice cream before. Emily laughed at that and handed him a chocolate ice cream. Then Emily rented a private boat and they went to sail. Bucky didn't show himself to ordinary people a lot because of his hand and they walked on the small streets so nobody couldn't see them.

At one moment Bucky even noticed that Emily was sad. He pulled her closer and asked what was wrong.

,,It's about Stephen. He..." She got stuck. Stephen was like dad to her and she didn't want to say something bad about him.

,,I actually saw that. I know it was rude but I just...stumbled over that like you later in there."

Emily let out a laugh snort, then became serious again. ,,But I just want to know why he acts like that. Is this about me or what? Do you know?"

Bucky shook his head. He didn't have any idea too.

They had a lot of fun on that day and Bucky sent Emily back to the bookshop.

,,I think it's better when I don't come tomorrow." Bucky said.

Emily frowned. ,,Why?"

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