Chapter 1

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30 Years Ago

Narrator's Point of View

In a studio, where a crowd of 100 people stood watching as the star dance around the stage for shooting his scene for the movie when a jacket is tossed in the crowd by the dancing star. The jacket landed on the person's hand. her face appeared, one of the many junior artists. Camila Estrabao.

Camila sways with the music watching the star dancing around. Imagining herself being the big star someday, in a daze. The song ended faded and she stood with her arms spread, suddenly the lady beside her slaps her chest knocking her out of her daze.

"Hey, Sidekick! what do you think are you doing.'' Asked the lady beside her. ''You are not the actress of the movie.''

''What is it to you? are you the director of the movie?'' Asked Camila, slightly nudging the lady's face backward.

The director shouted, ''Buzz off, cut! good shot. Lunch break." The crew member began to clear out. Camila tried to hide the jacket, she was wearing of the star by tossing her jacket on her shoulders, in the way out but her luck was not on her side. When a wardrobe organizer called out to her, '' Hey you! Ms. Actress!''

''Who! me?'' Asked Camila without face the man, who stood few feet behind her. ''Yes, you! Is that your father's jacket that.. you are happily sneaking out with it?!"

"Aye! don't drag my father into this!'' Said Camila and walk back towards the man, towering over him.

"Why? Is your dad some "Alejandro Cabello" who will stop out shooting?'' The man said sarcastically. '' Come on, return the jacket! quick!''

Camila frowned, removing the jacket unhurriedly. ''Relax, the "star" gave it to me with so much love, that I just put it on.'' Said Camila with a long face.

"Come on! wearing this jacket will not make you an actor. You need a good face and personality as well! now give it back. '' The man said to Camila, snatching the jacket, the started walking away mumbling, ''Idiot! Spoilt the jacket-every fool wants to become a star."

Camila stood, hearing what the man mumbled. She was gonna say something but got cut off by her best friend, who appeared beside her. "Dinah, did you hear that!'' Camila said to Dinah balling her fist.

"Don't worry, buddy!'' Dinah said to Camila, in hope of calming her friend down. ''How will a drunk Dressman recognize a superstar like you?'' Dinah dramatically said to Camila and place sunglasses on top of her head. ''Superstar?!'' Camila Asked enthusiast, walking out with Dinah beside her.

"Of Course! You will definitely become a superstar.'' Dinah said, supporting her friend. "My mom also says that,'' Camila told Dinah, walking on the sidewalk.

''I bet every comedian's mother says that to her child as well Cami.'' Dinah said, ''Really!'' Camila said surprised. "Yes! that's how mothers are.'' Dinah told her friend putting her hand on her hear, emotionally.

Camila looked away but Dinah Grabbed her shoulder blades. ''But you will surely become a star because I, Dinah Jane am telling you....that you will become a star,'' Dinah said holding her hands in the air.

"You have everything it takes -style, hairstyle, grace, face, and talent.'' Dinah said loudly circling around Camila, making the Cuban grin, ''But there is just one thing standing between you and your stardom.'' Dinah shaking her head and starts walking making the Cuban follow her with a frown now covering her beautiful features.

"what's that?" The brunette asked the tall blonde girl who is sitting on a chair at the small cafe. Dinah looks up at Camila with a bored expression on her face.

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