chapter 2

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Chapter 2- (Magnus' POV)
It was a new stop and that means there will come new stupid, arrogant rich people. I don't know why, but I don't like these people. They are complaining when there is an ice block more of less in their drinks. But exept from that I am happy to have this job. I earn money for my sister Caterina and her child Madzie and for my grandma Lilith who are all at home in war. So by having this job I can keep them safe from all the bad things outside as long as I have enough money ofc. Both my parents are death so the thing that I stay home for them is not there. But I have my two best friends, Ragnor and  Raphael, here with me on this ship so it is fine for me. They are always happy and when we get time for ourselves we always spent it with each other. It doesn't mind them that I'm a Bisexual. They are cool with it. I work here as a bartender for almost two years now. 9 months working and than 3 months a break and that goes on and on. My boss Camille, or actually miss. Belcourt, is pretty strict. So if I don't laugh or do my upper best I will be dismissed. And I don't want that. I look through the window and everywhere I can see new faces from people who have just come on board. "MR. BANE! If I see you looking out of that damn window once again you'll be dismissed! You understood?" Camille said to me really angry. "Yes I do miss Belcourt. It won't happen again. I promise." I said with a shaking voice. "Fine, now go do your job, Bane" she said and walked away. This woman really drives me nuts somethimes. I started to refill the coffee machine and try not to look out of the, according to Camille, 'damn window'. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice from behind so I turn around...
"Clary biscuit!" I say when I see her. We met on the ship 1.1/2 years ago and we became pretty close friends. We app almost everyday since than. "Mags! I missed you sooo much! How are you?" "Yea. Great, thanks! But I'll catch up with you later, sorry. Otherwise Camille will dismiss me...ughhh" "oh Camille the bitch. She  ruined your heart" "yea..." "well, see you later than""see  you!" Clary was right. Camille and I used to have something. But than, Camille broke my heart. After that I stopped loving...

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