chapter 3

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Chapter 3-FLASHBACK.-
(Magnus' POV)
~song for this chap: Thanks but no thanks by Waylon ~
I looked in Camille her eyes and than I leaned in and kissed her. The kiss turned more passionate and I dragged her to the bedroom. We fell on the bed. When we stopped kissing to catch our breaths I looked at her and than I knew it. I loved her, sooo much. "Camille?" "Yea" "I love you" "you do what?!" Now I'm worried. Maybe she didn't hear me, so I said it again "I love you" "no" "what no?" "I.DO.NOT.LOVE.YOU " on this point my heart broke "ohwww... I think we shoud stop than. I guess" "No. We don't. I have so much joy. You not?" Said Camille smirking. I was about to cry. So ran off. Camille f*cking used me?! Why? What have I done wrong? Why me? I was broken. I really loved her. She broke my heart in a thousand pieces. I felt like there was a rock in my heart which crashed it. My heart. I cried harder than I did before. I try so hard to stop it. Now I am only sobbing. "Come on Bane, we didn't finish what we started, did we? You really thought I'd love you? Well the answer is no.  Come one...I'll teatch you one thing in this life. Loving is a sickness. But joy isn't. So come and have a little fun with me bane!" She said evelish. "No! I don't want to have sex with you! You don't deserve my love. So leave me alone!" I screamed and ran off. I started to cry again. That was it. On that moment I promised myself I'll never fall in love with anyone again. Man or woman. I closed my heart off from loving. END FLASHBACK
When I think of it again, one single tear dropped down my face. I really stopt loving since that moment...

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