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Hi I'm Olivia Wesley, I live in the suburbs or Sydney Australia. I have a long life story but that's for later. I'm 16 years old. I just woke up,took a shower and got dressed for school. I wore a pair of blue ripped jeans rolled into capris, white converse and a white spaghetti strap flowy top. I ran down stairs into the kitchen and grabbed my back pack

"Any breakfast today Olivia?"

"I'll take an apple, boys are probably waiting" I went to the front door and met Michael

"Ok bye mom love you" Michael yelled into the house

"Bye" I said. Michael and I got into Ashton's car and drove to school.

"Good morning everyone" Luke said loudly as we got in. When we pulled up I thanked ash for the ride and went to me locker. I grabbed my books for math, Luke was beside me now "ready to go liv?"

"Yep" we walked to class and sat in the back as usual. The teacher announced we had a new student joining us and he walked in

"This is calum" his brown eyes were really pretty. "Take a seat wherever" he walked back and sat on the other side of Luke

"Hey calum, I'm Luke and is Olivia" I waved and smiled when Luke introduced me

"Hi, can you tell me where my other classes are" he handed Luke his schedule

"You have math, English and science with both of us, gym with me and history with Olivia. Your lunch is 4th period, you should sit with us and a few of our other friends" we had 6 periods in our school day. I liked having Luke with me a lot of the time but he had gym with ash and now calum to that was nice


"Cool" we finished math and went to English and science after. Calum seemed really nice, his locker was right near mine and Luke's so he was with us like all morning. We were walking out to the bleachers where we all usually sit.

"Hey guys" ash said as we stepped under neath the seats

"Guys this is calum, he just moved here and is in like all of mine and livs classes so he's going to hang out with us now" Luke said

"Hi calum, I'm Ashton and this is Michael"

"Hey" we all just talked as we ate, nothing special. We headed back to our lockers and I got my history books

"You ready cal?" I asked him

"Yeah" he smiled "let's go" we went upstairs to history and took our seats. The rest of the day went on and I was packing up my things into my backpack until a very sweaty Luke and Ashton ran over to me

"Hey liv" Ashton hugged me

"Get off your gross" I laughed until he put me down.

"You ready to go? We're hanging out at yours " I nodded and we headed to the parking lot. The boy talked ab stupid boy things until we pulled into the drive way. We all headed inside and the boys to the basement "liv are you hanging out with us?"

"Do I have to?" He rolled his eyes "ok I'm coming" we sat on the couches and put a movie in. I got up as it ended "I have homework to do so I'm going upstairs"

"I thought this was Michaels house? Are you guys siblings?" Cal asked

"Ok how are we going to answer this" I said to Michael

"Yes it's my house, no they're were siblings but she lives here. We'll explain another time" I went upstairs on the main floor, grabbed my bag and as I got the the stairs the front door opened

"Hi Karen" I said " how was your day" I hug her

"It was good, are the boys here? I think I'll just order pizza for dinner"

"Yap each they're downstairs, I'm going to do some homework. Also there's a new guy at school they invited over, his names calum"

"Ok, I'll let you know when dinners here" I continued up the stairs into my room. I ended up falling asleep and not eating dinner.

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