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This was it, today was the day we'd be going to court with my dad. Right after I got back from christmas in Sydney Kelsey called. Appearently he'd been starting to hit Q so she asked me and I told the truth. Michael came up to Melbourne to be here for me. Ash wanted to come but he was babysitting this week while his mom was gone but he did drive him halfway to meet me so I could take him to me house. Luke and calum still don't know, but Michaels mom does, which is why she let him leave school for a few days

"Kelsey just texted you, she's meeting us there with Quentin" Mike says

"Ok, you ready to go then"

"Yeah" he sighs. We get in my car and go to the courthouse. Kelsey and Q were waiting for us outside so we met with them and went in. They talked to Quentin first, then me

"So, Olivia, around the beginning of last year, you were in court with your father then"

"Yes I was"

"What for?"

"He wanted full custody of me"

"And did he get it?"

"No, but later on, I decided to move to Melbourne with him"

"And for the first little while, how was that?"

"Well I moved in at the beginning of summer and everything was good. then around the start of school, my step brother Quentin and I got in a bit of an argument and everything went downhill from there"

"What did he do to you?"

"Yelled at me, hit me, kicked me the of the house a lot-" the lawyer cut me off

"There was one particular incident when he kicked you out, tell us about that"

"The end of October, I'd just come home from a friends house, and he was drunk, slapped me and told me to get out. So I left"

"And what'd you do that night?"

"One of my friends from Sydney told his best friend to pick me up and let me stay with him"

"Then did you see much of your father after that?"

"No, Kelsey pays rent for an apartment for me and I've seen him once or twice since" we were done an hour or two later and Kelsey wanted us all to go for dinner. It was only 3 ish so Michael and I went back to my place for a bit

"I'm really proud of you liv" he says as we sit on the couch "I know that was a lot for you" I only smile slightly as a response. He started poking my cheek with a stupid smile on his face

"What Michael" I laugh as I push his hands away

"I love you" he wraps his arms around me

"Love you too Mike" we both changed before dinner. I took off the dress and wore black skinny jeans and a fitted grey v neck. We were at the restaurant 20 minutes later. Michael and I walked inside and found the table they were at "hi guys" I said as I took a seat next to Sam, Michael sitting beside me "you remember Michael from Christmas don't you Sam?"

"A little" he mumbles, I turn to see Mike and Q talking about video games. Michael gets along with them so the meal was pretty enjoyable

"So I'm almost pretty sure, something will happen to your father" Kelsey says to me and Q

"What happened?" Sam asks

"You wouldn't understand, he did some bad stuff to liv and Q though" she tells him, he just nods while taking another sip from his chocolate milk "when are you leaving Michael?"

"Saturday, I got a ticket so I could just fly to Sydney with liv"

"Oh how fun! It'll be a birthday week for you and calum right?" She asks me

"Yeah, I'm coming back on Wednesday though so more of a birthday- half week for us" the next 2 days Michael and I didn't really do much, as expected for us. I went to school on Friday to pick up work that missed and that I'm going to miss. We were waiting for our luggage in Sydney now

"Ashton said he'll pick us up" Michael says, sliding his phone in his pocket

"What's even the plan for the next few days?"

"Well tomorrow night is calums actual birthday so we're doing something for him then. And your birthday surprise is Monday night even though your birthday is on Thursday. Since your not here Thursday"

"You actually planned something?" He nods with a smile on his face "that's new"

"Oh shut up" he shoves me lightly

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