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"Why do I have to drive him there?" I complain to Ashton

"Because we have to go setup stuff, and you know where it is"

"I hate you"

"No you don't" he looks back at the road ahead of him "you love me"

"I do" I sigh. He pulls into calums drive way "so you just expect him to give me his keys?"

"He knows your driving him so yes, I do" I get out of the car "see you liv" I walk to the front door and knock on it.

"Is it birthday surprise time yet?" Calum asks as he opens the door

"It's time for me to drive you there, so let's go" he happily slips on his shoes and we walk to his car. He hands me the keys and we get in

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

"Happy birthday calum" I roll me eyes and back out of the drive way "we're getting food first by the way, what do you want? You pick since its your birthday"


"Fantastic" we go through the drive through and order 2 milkshakes and 20 McNuggets. As we drive out of town, where the 'birthday surprise' is, rain begins to fall from the sky

"You know it doesn't have to be awkward between us right?"

"That's a little hard" I softly laugh, another moment of silence

"Olivia" I turn to face him for a moment before looking back at the road "I know the truth about your dad" I hear his voice crack "why didn't you tell us sooner? Why?"

"I didn't want you guys to know" I feel tears well in my eyes "I needed to prove that I don't constantly need you around"

"Do you know he much it hurts me to know you we're hurting and I couldn't help?" We're both crying now and I'm still trying to drive

"Why would that hurt you so much?"

"Because I love you Olivia" he's sobbing in the passenger seat of my car "I'm fucking in love with you" the rain is coming down really hard at this point

"I'm sorry calum" I'm quickly looking back and forth between him and the road ahead "I should've told you"

"I'm sorry I yelled at you that day. I love you so much, I don't care if we hide it from the boys I just want to be with you Olivia I love you" calum continues to cry. I pull over and get out of the car "where are you going?" He yells over the thunder in the sky

"I don't know. I can't keep doing this"

"Doing what"

"Hurting you, hurting me" he stays a fair distance from me "why me calum?"

"Why you? Why did I fall in love with you?" I nod "because your absolutely fucking perfect, every hair and piece of your is beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful, your soul is beautiful. I don't have to deal with your girl friends because we have the same guy friends. And I wish I could explain how your voice gives me butterflies, your laugh and smile make my heart skip a beat. You make me feel complete" without thinking, or speaking, I run to him and smash my lips against his. Tasting not only a mix of our salty tears, but a taste of his lips that I've missed. We share a long passionate kiss before pulling apart and resting our foreheads in each others, trying to catch our breath

"I love you" i breath out "I love you so fucking much, calum hood"

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