What have I done?!

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Ross's POV
I can't believe what I did I do feel like a total sleaze! Ugh I need Laura back I would be with Laura my entire life even if we never had sex! I love her not her sex! I then got in my car and start driving to Laura's house then I see a girl sleeping on the side of the road I can't really see what see looks like but I park next her her and get out I look at her face to see ITS LAURA WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE SHE COULD GET KILLED! I JUST REMEMBERED SHE DIDN'T HAVE A CAR AND HER HOUSE IS LIKE A 45 MINUTE WALK! Stay calm ross stay calm! I then lean by her.

"Hey Laura wake up." I say sweetly.

She doesn't move.

"Laura I'm sorry." I say

Still not moving.

I then slightly shake her.

"Laur I know I was a jerk I don't just want your sex I want you." I say kinda louder.

Still she Doesn't move.

"Ugh Laura!" I then turn her over and I see her leg had blood is pouring out.

"LAURA!" I cheak her pulse and it still alive! I then quickly took off my shirt and wrapped it around her leg, quickly brought her to my car, and start driving well more like speeding I then got to the emergency room. Before I could say anything a paramedic ran up to me and took her. Freaking out I called Mom.

"Mom please come to the hospital!" I almost yell in fear.

"Ross what happened?" Stormie asked.

"No time for questions! just also call Laura's family and tell them to come here now!" I say.

"Ok we are on our way!" Stormie said and hung up.

Ross kept pacing for about 10 minuets intill Laura's family ran in worried and then the lynches rushed in.

"WHAT HAPPEND!" Laura's aunt yelled.

I explained.

"WHAT YOU DID THAT TO MY DAUGHTER? Laura's mom yelled.


She then rubs my back.

"Ross it's ok I know your upset but Laura is A daughter to me and she always will ok." Laura's aunt said.

"Yes." I say and dried my tears.

"Lynch?" The doctor asked.

Ross then ran up.

"Is she ok is she?!?!" ross asked.

"Yes but we think she got raped." The doctor said.

Everyone jaw's dropped.

"R-raped?" Ross asked about to cry.

"Yea because she has bruises in her vignia area and she woke up crying then fell asleep she also has rope burns on her legs." The doctor said.

Ross was now crying.

"C-can I see her." He asked.

"Yea but only 1 person." everyone looked at me.

"Ok I will go." I said still in tears.

Ross walked in to see Laura with a hospital gown on and she was sleeping I look at her beautiful face and start crying then a tear hit her cheek and she woke up.

"R-ross?" Laura asked.

"Laura I'm so sorry." Ross said and started to cry.

"Ross, no I'm sorry you aren't a sleaze you don't always need sex." Laura said.

"Laura what happened to you I found you on the ground?" Ross asked with a tear.

"I g-got r-raped don't yell please!" Laura said.

"Laur I won't yell but w-who r-raped you?" Ross asked.

"Um d-Derek and his gang." Laura said scared of what ross was going to do.

Oh no not Derek! 😔

Hehe I'm at camp and we can't have phones but I snuck mine to update😄

Sorry for mistakes

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now