chapter 15

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"And, I have a surprise for you, compliments of madame, an apology for not being here," Alane stood up clapped her hands twice in swift succession, the 'girls' who had been attending to the men all quietly but swiftly left the room, the music was shut down and the light dimmed a little bit more. Complains and moans of displeasure filled the room all directed at Alane
"Don't worry boys they just went to get their friends they will be back, the more the merrier wi?" That got them alot more happy judging from their clapping and whistling.
"Good evening gentlemen, for one night only for your entertainment, I am proud to present to you, Dina the Arabian princess."
The room was filled with a low glow of light, in different colours but the prominent one was purple, as curtains were drawn apart to expose a stage, On the furthest wall directly opposite where the Muzza's were seated.
Everyone attention was drawn to it, as smoke oozed and rolled on the floor making the colours more visible and attractive. On it stood two individuals, the male one was holding a drum wrapped in beads and weird trinkets, he was only wearing a small turnic round his waist and a huge green turban wrapped around his head, he started slowly beating the drum and swaying his body with the middle eastern type music it made, his partner was a starning woman, a  renown belly dancer named Rina, and judging from the applause that filled the room she was famous in this parts too. She was in a gold 'bedleh' which shimmered in the light, rings and trinkets of gold covered any exposed space on her body, all except her tummy, which had a single piercing, a ring on her belly button that shone in the light, following her fluid and mesmerizing movements that left everyone in the room gaping. The perfect distraction.
Slowly the agents started moving in, managing to sneak on the the otherwise occupied gangsters who only noticed them when a gun was on their head. The agents moved systematically from back to foward, successfully gagging and cuffing the suspects, meeting no resistance thanks to Rina and the drugs, and no one was the wiser. It was going according to plan.
Alien had resumed her earlier position, keeping an eye on Muzza Jr who unlike the others wasn't concerned with the entertainment, he just sat there his eyes on the glass he was holding. Occasionally glancing at Alane then to his father, who seemed to have been revived, he was now perked up eyes on Rina on the stage. Rina continued her performance beautifully, not once missing a step even though she could see everything that was going on.

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