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At least she had stopped field work, chasing bad guys through borders had taken it's toll on her, she often felt older than her twenty eight years, having seen a lot and done even more.
Her adventure in Kenya, left her with a new nickname 'Mrs superman', and it stuck, her men had snitched the information to the boss, so he and dear Pete were to blame for its rapid spread. The boss had been particularly sore with her a few days after the assignment screaming the office down
"Get Mrs superman in here now!" there was a bit of confusion and some form of panic, until Pete took the insitive to inform her, loudly she was being sorted after as she had been busy ignoring and hiding from the boss. By the end of the day everyone took to themselves to call her by it.
Plus her achievements, had made her a rockstar in law enforcement, justifying the name somehow, also the fact that Mr Scot the origin of the name had gone M.i.a and her team was the last time any police had come close to him, gave it some spank making it spread like wildfire She even had to introduce herself as that, to be identified in some circles.
Two years down the line and the man still haunted her, he was no where to be seen but they still heard of him, every drug deal, gun smugglin, money laundering operation, even the transportation of illegal immigrants to Europe his name always made the top of the list, he was the man to talk to.
He had a hand in every piece of illigal pie, but drew the line when it came to poachers and sex slavers, it was well known that many had died in his hands and he made it ugly. The government's involved didn't seem to mind, only encouraging him by classifying the murders as unsolved and no warrants were ever issued against him.
He was a piece of work, and still she wasn't sure how she felt about him, the nickname always reminded her of him, but he was ancient history as far as she was concerned.
After their last encounter she and her team got assigned to some new targets, it was dicided that it was too big a risk to send them in a fourth time, maybe they wouldn't be as lucky. She personaly didn't agree but did what was best for her team. Their new targets were relatively easy compared to what they had been used to, propelling their careers and their status in the agency.

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