One - someone to talk to

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(A/N) - hey hey story people. I wrote this when I was on holiday so it's kinda rushed although I like this first chapter as it is. But it's probably as good as it's gonna get tbh.

Hope you enjoy it xx

"Come on jack. Stay still!"

"I'm an extra. No one is paying attention to me! Plus, who doesn't love a bit of Dancing!"

"Even so, If i don't do my job right, i might lose it now stop dancing and stay still!"

While (Y/N) was doing one of the extra's sfx make-up, and trying to get him to stay still, she suddenly heard shouting from outside of her work space.

"Hang on jack, let the latex dry. I will be right back! Don't touch anything. I know what you're like!"

Once she opened the door so expected to see two actors fighting as that's a normal thing that happens around where she works but instead shes greeted with her co-worker Evangeline holding a box with all her stuff in it.

"Evangeline? W-what are you doing? Are you moving stations again?"

"er, no, no not this time. I've been fired."

"oh...OH! No no no.You can't be fired. I physically can't deal with the actual celebs! What did you do!"

"Well, you know it was my 22nd birthday last night and seeing as i was working on my 21st, i wanted to have a big celebration but i got a bit too drunk and ended up breaking a wall with a sledge hammer"

"A SLEDGE HAMMER! what the fuck Evie! Look, i understand that it was your special night but a sledge hammer?!"

"I'M SORRY (Y/N)! I know that now you are going to have to work with the main celebs but you can do it! I know you can. now its almost 5 and i need to be out by 5 past so i'm gonna have to go. I'm so sorry"

(Y/N) turned around to a table, They must have moved slightly when they argued. She slammed her hands onto the table and walked back into her room. She politely asked jack to leave and told him she will carry on later. she slammed the door and sat down. She didn't cry, she didn't weep, she didn't even start breathing heavily like usual. She just sat there. Staring at the white ceiling. She was sitting there for 5 minutes before she got broken back to reality from a knock at the door.

"er, Hey. I'm just checking up on you. I saw the argument between you and Evie. I was just wondering if you were all right."

"yeah, i'm fine. just scared.But i don't want to bother you with my problems so you can go. I'm probably going to meet you later. Well, that's if you are an actor anyway."

"Yeah i guess. Well, even though we haven't properly met, If you need any one to talk to. I'm in the RV next to main studio. The one with a TH on it."

"TH? Th? Wait. The only TH here is tom holland. I thought I heard a British accent."

As a huge fan of tom holland, (Y/N) got up instinctively and opened the door but was greeting only with and empty studio

"Shit! Why do I never pay attention. I could of met him!"

Closing the door and sitting back down she thought to her self 'what would i do if he was actually still there. Probably just faint to be honest'
She texted jack as he gave her his number because he was a constant extra in the films she works on and got the tools she needed to do the rest of the cut.
Jack came in and got ready in the chair. (Y/N) did the rest of the cut, packed up her stuff, and once Jack had left, she headed for the RV next to the main studio. She was nervous. She can't even talk to her own friends with out being nervous or too scared that she would say or do something wrong. She even gets nervous to go visit her family that moved to L.A a couple months ago for her as she's has a fear of flying. As she gets closer and closer to the RV she thinks to her self 'what am I doing. All I'm going to do is stand there. Since when do I do this kinda stuff. It's like it's instinctively happening....again'
She walks straight up to the RV and was about to knock when the door opens to show tom holding his phone in one hand, the other hand on the door handle and a sandwich in his mouth.


"Oh sorry"

Tom removed the sandwich from his mouth and put his phone away
"Hey. You must be the girl I was talking to through the door. What's your name?"

All she could do was just stand there and say nothing.
'What am I doing!'

"Um....Er. It-it's (Y/N). N-nice to meet you"
She trailed off the sentence trying to be at brave as she can while talking to another human being.

"Aha. I can tell by your lockscreen that you already know who I am. So? What'd need?"

(Y/N) put her phone away embarrassed that she let him see her tom holland lockscreen. She went all bright in the face and didn't know what to say..

" So, er. I-I was wondering....Er.....iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketotalkforabitasihaveabreakandneedsomeonetotalktonowevieisgone"
She said this with out taking a single breath hoping tom wouldn't understand her

"Sure! I would love to. Aren't you the girl who gets nervous around other people? If so, it was very brave to come and ask me that." He stepped forward and closed the door behind him, he ate the rest of his sandwich while locking up and then started walking away.
(Y/N) just stood there for a couple seconds confused on why he would say yes to hanging out with her but then she broke out of the trance and ran to catch up with him.

"So, why did you offer to talk me if you didn't know who I was" she said quietly

"Well, I'd hate to see anyone upset and I knew you were angry and upset that Evie was leaving so I just offered. Plus, even though I've never formally met you, you seem like a really nice person"

His reply made (Y/N) blush. Mostly because off the response but also because she just realised that people have been talking about her to him.

"Er, S-so hows Tessa? I was the one that looked after her the other day when you brought her to set, I was the girl who didn't let you see my face"

"That was you?! Woah. She loved you. She was so happy after. Not that she isn't happy in general but she was so bouncy when you shut the door."

"that was the scratching?! I got so freaked out!"

Both of them laughed and carried on speaking while walking around set. (Y/N) also help tom with some of his lines.

She would even like to say it was the best day she's had at work since she got the job.

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