nineteen - sometime to recover

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Tom woke up, the sleep just making him more tired. He stretched, and knowing he wouldn't be allowed to see her yet, he went to the gym but instead of the usual one, he went to one closer to the hospital.

He walked in, payed for a one time visit and went straight to the treadmills. He looked around, all the guys, head to toe in fake tan, bleached hair and buff as hell. Only one guy who didn't look like he'd just come out of love island was one guy next to tom.

"New here? dont be intimidated by them. There feathers"

"really, they sure look like bricks to me. I'm tom"

"Zac. So you thinking of being a member?"

"Nah. I have gym at work. I'm only here because its close to the hospital. My girlfriends there so i wanna be able to go straight away if  need to."

"Wait, your girlfriends in the hospital? So is my little brother. He's there for top surgery."

"mine got your little brother Jackson by any chance?"

"Yeah. You know him?"

"Yeah, some guy was harassing him and i helped him out"

"That was you? wait...Your girlfriend got shot?!"

Before tom could answer, his phone rang


"Mr Holland? Were calling in regards to a (Y/N) (L/N). Shes awake. tired but awake. You can come in and see her now"

Tom hung up and ran straight out "It was nice meeting you!"

He got straight into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Driving over the limit, he was lucky that he didn't get pulled over. He parked and ran in, bumping into almost everyone in front of him. He managed to get past everyone and he ran to the receptionist

"I'm here to see (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Go right through. nurse is outside of the room. Just look for nurse Jamie."

Tom ran straight through and ask almost every nurse going in and out if rooms if they were Jamie until he reached room 6A. He didn't even need to ask, he saw his name tag and went straight up. Explained who he was and went straight in.

"(Y/N)?! Oh my god. hey"

"Tom? hey! I've been worried about you. How you feeling?"

"You're worried about me?! You're the one who's been shot?!"

"yeah, well, I'm just worried about how you've been. I'm not the only one who's hurt. You must be aching from worry?!"

"I guess its been a struggle but it hasn't been too bad. Just knowing that your still alive has been helping me"

"Well at least you're okay. And, i'm not dead. And Evie is back in prison. oh, also, apparently, The bullet didn't hit anything vital so my recovery will be quick."

"That's amazing!"

"Yeah! I'd be in here 3 months tops!"

"That's great news!"

The two kept talking until visiting times were over. (Y/N) went to bed and Tom left. He was in a better mood now that he knows she's okay and he too went to bed when he got home.


(A/N) - sorry about how short and boring this chapter it. I didn't want to have a too long wait for the next post and I have huge writers block again. Stupid exams filling my head. Anyway, it might be a while before the next chapters published.

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