Thirteen - something to fix - pt 1

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(Y/N) got all her work done for the day and headed home, hoping she would get there before tom. She got into the car and drove off, not even thinking that that car was hers and toms way home but by the time she remembered she was on the driveway. She went upstairs, turned the shower on and went to get undressed. Before she got into the shower she messaged tom.

"Sorry about the car. i'm about to get in the shower so i can't pick you up. sorry"

She got into the shower and did her usual routine of shampoo and conditioner, then body wash and soap. She got out and got changed. She checked her phone to see if he replied but there was no response...just the 'read 7:30' sign. She put her phone on charge, the situation going through her head. but just as she sat down to dry her hair she realised it's going to be a while before tom gets home so there's time to fix it. She got up again and headed to the kitchen. she kept thinking to herself 'if i do this quickly, there's a higher chance he'll forgive me right?'

She looked through the fridge to find some veg and some wine. She looked in the freezer and grabbed the chicken and the Yorkshire puddings. She got the potatoes and started to cook a roast dinner.

"I have about an hour to do this but I've done this before in 50 minutes so I should be fine...right?" She said to herself

-time skip-

The dinner was done and the table was set. She has an apology in mind and is ready for tom to walk through the door

10 minutes later...

20 minutes later...

30 minutes...

an hour has past and still no tom. (Y/N) gave up and decided to go to bed. It was now 9:30pm and she didn't want to wait any longer. She got changed into her pj's and went straight to sleep.

'I guess he isn't coming home tonight'

-Another time skip to the morning.-

Tom came home around 10:30 in the morning after spending the night at Zendaya's with Harrison. He walked through the door; the smell of cooked chicken still there. He goes to the kitchen to see all the pots and pans in the sink and the untouched cold food on the table. He notices how clean the front room was and how none of the frames on the walls had cobwebs on them anymore. He noticed the stain on the carpet from where (Y/N) had spilt red wine had completely vanished and how his spiderman figures and vinyls had been cleaned and re-arranged so that all of them can be seen. He went up to Harrison,

"She did all this last night? Why?"

"Well, tom, probably because she feels like a complete arsehole from what happened yesterday. plus, it didn't help that you went straight to the break up instead of letting her explain. She probably thinks its all her fault."

"How'd you get all that from a clean living room and a dinner?"

"Because tom, she left this note."

Tom took the note from Harrison's hand and read it aloud


You didn't let me explain last night and although i'm kinda glad that i dont have to do it over text, i was disappointed. Not only in you for going straight for the break up but in my self. What i said was the truth but slowly you are making me change my opinion. I mean, yes i still think love is more of a want than need but in a way, i am changing my thought about love. With you I'm happy and when I'm without you...I can't wait to be with you again. It's just, I've never really liked someone up until now. I've never even had a trustworthy friend until you showed up. I just wish you would let me explain and hear me out. I dont know where you've been so if you're hungry, you can heat up the roasts and you and Harrison can have them.

I hope you can understand,


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