Two - someone to live with

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After a full day of talking to tom, (Y/N) can finally say she has a friend. She can finally say that she's one step closer to no longer being an introvert. Well, that's what she thought till she got home anyway.

"Evie! I'm back!"




(Y/N) walked to the kitchen to see if she was eating and listening to music with earphones in but there was nothing but a letter.

I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm afraid that, because I no longer work with the producers, I can no longer live in the work given house. And I know you won't be able to live alone and I know you won't be able to find a roommate anytime soon so I've taken the task of doing it for you. Before I left as I was a bit late of leaving, I noticed you were hanging around with tom a lot for the remainder of that day so I've emailed him asking if he had a spare room as his house isn't given to him by his job and he only has one roommate I think.

He should being calling you either (depending when you read this note) tonight or tomorrow....or he's already called you and you're really pissed off right now...
I'm so sorry...

- Evangeline'

Just as (Y/N) was about to call Evie, her phone rang instead.


"Er hi. It's tom. I got your number from the email Evie sent me saying you need a place to stay and I am calling saying that I know Evie did this without your permission and I know you are probably mad at her right now but I'm just going to say that I do have a spare room and I am saying that you can move in whenever. Just call me and let me know. Okay?"

"Er, oh. Hi tom. I'm...*sigh* yeah she did this without telling me and I will have to think about it. But thanks."

"Okay that's fine. Well I have I go as Harrison is cooking and I'm really hungry so I need to go steal his dinner. Bye"

"Haha. Bye tom!"


"5 year in this job...5 fucking years and suddenly I might have to live with my favourite actor! 5 years to too short a time!"

(Y/N) was freaking out. Luckily no one was home to hear her talking to her self.
She then walked to the living room and put on the only show that would calm her down...friends. She says she relates to mondler. Not just one of them but both. She's very clean and she cooks yet she's sarcastic and makes jokes in uncomfortable situations.
"Tom hasn't met that side of me yet. What if he gets confused and I accidentally hurt him. Nah, he's sarcastic sometimes. He will get it 100% right?"

She starts pacing around the room.
'Fuck fuck fuck, I know I shouldn't be freaking out this much but this has all happened in one day! This is all too much for me'

(Y/N) decides to have a sleep and make the decision when she wakes up. She heads upstairs checking if all windows and doors are locked 8 times and then gets into comfy clothes and gets into bed. She sets an alarm for 17:30pm so that she doesn't miss dinner again.


(Y/N) wakes up and looks at the time. She was confused on why she couldn't hear the alarm. She looks at the time

"21:45! Fuck! How many times did I press snooze!"

She ran out of her room, went downstairs and into the kitchen. She looks through the cupboards until she finds some pasta and ketchup...

"It'll do"

She cooks the pasta and puts the ketchup on top. She knows it's too late to eat but she's missed dinner for the last 2 nights and she knows she shouldn't miss it again.

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