Chapter One

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Okay guys!!! So this chapter is much more fun!! :D I wrote it to help lighten the mood after the Prologue!!:D

plus I just couldn't think of a better way to introduce like one of my favorite characters out of all my books! XD

Anywho! Enjoy!!

Vote, comment, add, fan...whatever you want to do lol



((AARON's P.O.V./a week ago))

My eyes narrowed in on the two women I had sleeping next to me. I didn't even remember their names anymore. I acted like I did but I didn't. I yawned, stretching. The two began to stir, and then my phone started buzzing.

I growled audibly in frustration. I had a massive hangover. I checked to see who was calling, and I noticed it was my mother.

"Hello?" I answered, sleep making my voice thick.

"Honey, are you coming back to California soon?" My mother's voice was curious.

"I don't know." I replied truthfully. "Why should I?"

"You and Mira's one year anniversary is coming up. Shouldn't you spend it with her?" My mother was still trying to get me to go see my fat ass of a wife.

"No. I doubt she wants to see me anyways." I sighed, not really caring.

"You don't know that." My mother reprimanded me. "Why don't you look at the picture I just sent you? She looks so happy in it."

Then my phone vibrated, and I was able to see the message. Sure enough it was of Mira. She was laughing while riding an all black horse on the beach. Her curly hair was flowing in the wind behind her. Even though she was bigger, she looked gorgeous in the fading light. Her eyes were closed as she laughed at something the guy next to her said.

My eyes narrowed in on the guy next to her. Who the fuck was that? Her new boyfriend? He had no right to be near my wife. Doing shit a real couple does. He even had big enough balls to ride on an all white horse. He had his right hand curled into a fist as he did that thing knights do when they bow to a lady.

No wonder why she was laughing. She had a guy who treated her right.

Something akin to guilt and pain stabbed my heart.

"Mom?" I spoke softly.


"I'll come back." My voice was trying to sound reluctant.

"May I ask why?" My mother's voice suddenly turned stern. "Is it to see that Regina bitch?"

"No." I objected. "I'm coming back to see my wife."

"You haven't before." My mother suddenly seemed suspicious. "Why now?"

"Because I want to win my wife's heart." I snapped. "So I'll be back in the States soon enough."

((Mira's P.O.V./present))

I sat at my desk as I let my students discuss the upcoming final. It was already the end of the first semester of another year. I sighed smiling at the class in front of me. Whenever I came to school, seeing these kids made everything better. They had so much potential. I loved watching it blossom. I sighed and turned on some music. The kids in class knew I'd do this for those who thought better with music. "Breath of Life" by Florence and The Machine came on through my speakers, and then next thing I knew, some of the girls had started singing along. I chuckled at their behavior, still grading some of their essays. I loved my fourth period class. They were a lot of fun. Plus they were the most well behaved out of all my classes.

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