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-Bakugo Izuku-

I turned around. Midoriya yelled my actual name. "KATSUKI WAIT!" He yelled to be exact. Why did he yel my actual name? He hasn't used that name since we were 4 years old. "Huh, why did you yell my actual name?" I said to him when he caught up to me. "You forgot your bag." He said ignoring the question I asked him. "Oh thanks! Imma go now." I said plainly and left.

"What in the fucking hell was that!" Is mumbled to myself. "Probably him being a nerd again heh!" I kept mumbling. "BAKUBRO!" I heard Kirishima yell. "WHAT hair for brains?" I snapped. "Ow I just wanted to say welcome back." He said plainly. "Well thanks now leave and don't call me that name ever again or I will blow your shitty face off." I said. "Understood!" I laughed and ran away.

"Can't I be in peace for 2 minutes?" I sighted. I sat down on a nearby bench and started thinking again of what happened at the dinner table. Why the fuck did I blush. I'm supposed to hate that nerd. Why does he look so cute all of the sudden. Those big emerald green eyes, those cute freckles, that pure smile and the green messy locks of hair. This can't be happening right now. I just want to die. I... I just want to kiss those lips. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?! I really need to calm down. My hormones are getting harder to control when I'm around him. Can that be because of his scent? That can't be it! After the fight with All Might he couldn't control his scent and it didn't seem to affect me. This means I have actual feelings for the nerd.

What should I do now?! I need to act normal. Nobody can know about this! I sighed this will never work. He probably doesn't even like me that way. I don't blame him for that. I mean I've been a jerk for years. Yeah the only thing that bothers me is why the fuck did he steal my clothes and why the fuck did he blush?! This is so confusing. AARRRGGGG.

-Midoriya Izuku-

Why did I call him with his real name? I don't even know the answer to that question. Why did I do it? Why did it like I had to do it? What's happening to me? After all this time I feel like he noticed my feelings. B... but that's impossible. There is no way he found out. I screwed up this time. What was I thinking calling him with his first name? Urg. He probably is pissed right now for ignoring his question completely. I just want to hide for now.

"Midoriya!" I heard a cool voice yell. "Todoroki? Did something happen?" Is questioned the boy with the half white and red hair. "N... no! That's not it. I was so worried about you when you weren't here. MIDORIYA WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?" He asked. "T... Todoroki? Why? I don't know. I actually have feelings for somebody else." Is replied honestly. "I see. Then can you go out with as friends?" He asked. "Yeah sure!" Is smiled. "Tomorrow 10:30 am in front of the dorm building!" He said and ran off.

As I looked behind me I saw somebody staring at me with this depressed look in his eyes. "KACCHAN THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK!" I yelled at the boy. "Never mind Deku! It's not like I care. I mean why would I heh?" He said with his voice sounding like he was about to cry. "Oh okey... see you later then." I faked a smile. He was about to cry.

-the next day-

I was waiting on Todoroki for our 'date' but I just couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I've never seen Kacchan act that way. "O... oh Midoriya your early!" Todoroki waked me out of my thoughts. "Yeah... sooo where are we going?" I asked the guy. "Well there is this new food place I really love to try!" He smiled.  "Yeah sure." I just answered. We walked in this awkward silence to the place he meant. "We're here." He said. "Seems a bit fancy doesn't it?" I asked him. "You think so?" He looked at me. I just nodded. I just didn't feel like being happy at the moment. Why would Kacchan almost cry and why did I accepted to go on a date with Todoroki even if I don't like him in that way.

"Is something wrong Midoriya?" He asked. "Oh it's nothing don't you worry!" I smiled. "What can I get you to drink?" A waitress came to ask. "For me just a water please." I said. "Same here." Todoroki backed me up. "Do you both have a pick to eat or do you need some more time to pick?" She asked with a smile. "I'lol have a katsudon please." I smiled. She nodded and wrote it on the paper she was holding. "I'll take the same as him." Todoroki said plainly. "You like katsudon to Todoroki?" I asked confused. "No not really." He just said. "Then why did you pick it?" I immediately asked him. "Cause you like it." He replied. Before I knew he was holding my hand and his face was only a few inches from mine. He came closer and if felt out lips collide. HE KISSED ME! It wasn't a big kiss but still this guy had the nerve to steal my first kiss. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT! I thought I made it clear that I didn't like you that way." I yelled. In the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face. As he walked out the restaurant with tears filling his eyes. "KACCHAN??" I yelled

[ to be continued ]
[ a/n: sorry for not posting these couple of days! I don't know why but this chapter took a bit longer to write. I don't really have an excuse so yeah MY BAD! I'm glad I can finally post again! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please let me know by leaving a vote and maybe a comment with suggestions for next chapter! Until then! ]

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