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-Nobody POV-

One week turned into two and two turned into a month. Both the boys took allot of time away from each other. Before they knew it they were going on training camp. The whole class was really excited for this training camp. They took place in the bus and left the school. The last time they went on this training camp it went horribly wrong. Katsuki ended up getting kidnapped. This time the teachers took precautions,for their students safety. Izuku was really excited to see Kota again. The boy who believed in him. The boy who saw him as his hero. Also Kota was looking forward to seeing Izuku so he could finally give the boy a proper thank you and sorry. When the bus arrived at the campfire area everybody was happy to get of the thing. They were also happy that they didn't have to go trough that wood of beast again. Because they were late because of traffic jams. So it was dinner time already.

They started to prepare the dinner. Like the last time they were there. Only Izuku wasn't there to help. He went looking for Kota at his secret hideout. When he arrived he saw to boy sitting there looking at the vieuw. "Kota!" He yelled running towards the boy. "Izuku!" Kota reacted hearing his voice. They hugged each other. Then Kota started apologizing and thanking Izuku. Explaining that he was training his quirk so he could be a hero like Izuku. That made Izuku really happy and proud. After a while both of the boys went back to the campfire area. Everybody was still doing their part in making dinner. Izuku continued his part. He noticed somebody staring at him. It was Katsuki.

-Bakugo Katsuki-

As we started to prepare dinner I noticed Izuku slipped away. He came back after half an hour with the kid that lives here. For some wierd reason I felt jealous. I wanted to talk to him for a while now. I wanted to hold his hand again. I wanted to hug his tiny body. I wanted to kiss those soft lips. I really missed having that boy around me. How long has it been since that dumb incident. I think 2 months. After dinner I went to the boys room. There he was alone since the rest was still outside sitting around the campfire. "H... Hi." I said awkwardly. He looked up when he saw me he had this surprised expression. "K... Kacchan?" He asked me. "We need to talk don't you think?" I asked him. Because maybe he wasn't ready yet. He just nodded. "Seems like it's been a long while. Since we eeuuuhhhmmm talked. YES TALKED!" I rapidly said. "Kacchan I know what you mean. Yes it's been longer then we planned. Now i see how lonely it is without you by my side. I rally miss you I just didn't know how to tell you. I wanted to tell you that for a while now." He smiled. I smiled back opened my arms and pulling him in for a hug. He nuzzled his had in the crook of my neck. Then I felt his lips kissing my neck. That caused me to blush. When he looked up he started to giggle.

"You dumb nerd stop teasing already." He laughed. He got on his toes and kissed me. I started taking control bitting his lip so he opened his mouth. I slipped in my tounge. Our tounges fought for dominance. When we were disturbed by a door opening. I broke the kiss and looked behind me to see Kirishima smiling at us. "I'm glad you guys are finally back together! Again I'm so sorry if I knew there was something between you dudes I would never done something like that. It was really unmanly of me." He smiled awkwardly. "KIRISHIMA!" I yelled at him. He nodded and left. When I looked at Izuku again I saw him blushing. I also saw a small tear form in the corner of his eye. I cupped his face with my hand using my thumb to wipe away the tear. "It's time to let everybody know about us. I don't want another misunderstanding like that." Is whispered at him seductive. He nodded. We walked to the campfire holding hands. Everybody looked at us surprised. They started to ask us allot of questions. Making both of us really uncomfortable. Mostly Round Face was asking the question. While fangirling like crazy. We both tried to answer most of the questions. Like I said most of them... since we didn't have a chance to answer one question before another one was asked.

"I'm tired!" I yelled stretching my arms in the air. "Same here!" Izuku said awkwardly. "Goodnight everybody." I said and went of. Before I left I heard them whisper. "Is it just me or is Katsuki turning soft?" It was that fapucking Round Face again.

[ to be continued ]

Since there are still no questions for that Q&A I was planning to do! I won't do one I'm sorry for the people who wanted to see one.

Also should I write a smut chapter for the next one. I really want to continue the story but it's just I think we might reach the end soon. I want something to happen like a villain or something idk please help me out with this. I think I might be getting some sort of a writers block on this story. I'm already working on a new Bakudeku story since that ship is my life. So stay tuned for that okey I'm done now bye bye

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