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-Bakugo Katsuki-

There was this really cute girl serving us. Only wasn't really interested in her. I was more interested in my Deku but she started to flirt with me. Before I knew it i was flirting with her. The looks on Deku's face was kinda priceless. He was getting jealous. CUTE!! When this girl came back with our drinks she gave me a this piece of paper. It probably had her number on it. I was really surprised when I opened the piece of paper. It didn't have a number on it but this text 'good luck with your date'. Wait she flirted with to get him jealous. That bitch! I looked at Deku he was avoiding eye contact at all costs.

I decided to break the silence by asking something. "Is something wrong nerd?" I asked kinda concerned. "I... It's nothing." He quickly replied. I knew he was lying. "Come on i know your lying! What's wrong tell me!" I raised my voice. I mean you are the one go asked me on this date. So... so why are you flirting with this girl? Is this one of those things you do to hurt me? Cause it worked." He raised his voice. I was kinda shocked so he really was jealous. "D... De... I mean Izuku! I never meant to hurt you! I'm not flirting with her! She's a friend of my mother. I'm sorry for making you feel like I was trying to hurt your feelings." I sorta lied yeh part of my mother's friend was a lie the rest was true. He was the one to look shocked. I mean he kinda confessed his love to me. What now? "K... Kacchan? I'm sorry to for jumping to conclusions. I guess it's obvious now. I'm in love with you Katsuki Bakugo!" He told me with this weak smile almost crying. I was so shocked. I mean he already kinda confessed like I said but i never thought he would li,e really confess to me. What to do now.

"I... I'm sorry Izuku. I just can't do this to you. After everything I've done you actually fell in love with me. I feel wrong accepting your feelings. Let just start with being friends." I honestly said. Obviously I liked him back but just thinking about everything I've done to the poor boy. I couldn't possibly make him happy. Our whole date was just an awkward mess after this. We didn't talk at all. He tried not to make any eye contact with me. I felt really bad for him. I had to do something. "Izuku! Look I really like you! I really want to be with you I just think you deserve better. I've done horrible things to you! How could you possibly be happy when I become your boyfriend. You will be reminded by all those scars I gave you." Is almost lost my cool. I almost cried and I never cry! He looked at me with tears in his eyes. He grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him. At this moment I was laying with my belly on the table. The people we're looking at us. His face was so close to mine at that moment. "Don't worry about that Kacchan!" He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. I never thought he would be the one to make the first move. I was kinda pissed. He was actually kissing me. I started to kiss him back taking control over the kiss at this moment. Showing him that I was the Alpha here. I bit his lip asking if I could enter his mouth. He opened his mouth so I could slip in my tounge. Obviously I was the one who was fully in control. Our tounges fought for dominance for what seemed like an hour but actually were 10 seconds. I broke the kiss to get air. We were both patting for air at this moment. I looked at him blushing like crazy. He was blushing to.

"So what does this mean." I asked awkwardly. "I don't know..." he answered still blushing. "Izuku Midoriya will you be my boyfriend!" I smiled at him. He nodded shyly. I stood up and sat down next to him give him a hug. We hugged for almost a minute when that waitress came back to give us the check. Before she left she winked at me so only I could see it.

[ to be continued ]
[ a/n: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to be doing a Q&A to celebrate the 300 vieuws. You can asked the following characters and me questions:
-Izuku Midoriya
-Katsuki Bakugo
-Shoto Todoroki
I know those aren't a lot of characters but it's me 'first Q&A'. So please send me some questions! We'll see to next chapter for a Q&A ]

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