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-Bakugo Katsuki-

Why the fuck did he fucking kiss me and why the fuck was Izuku there? This big miss understanding made me lose my mate. Izuku doesn't even know I'm his mate yet. I started to chase after him. Sadly he was nowhere to be found. I looked around town for him. It was like he just disappeared, like he never excised. Only in my fucking mind. Why was he there. Why did he say that he was right for this once. I finally snapped out my thoughts with the answer. I've been hanging out allot with Shitty Hair lately. I haven't spoken to Izuku in a week. He thought I'm cheating on him with that Hair For Brains. Oh no i really messed up this time. I sighed. Then I heard a familiar voice yell my name. "BAKUGO!!" I turned around to see round face there. "What the fuck do you want!" I yelled. "HOW DARE YOU BETRAY DEKU-KUN LIKE THAT?" She yelled while slapping me. "I didn't." Is sighed. She looked confused at me. "I can see your being honest. So why is he saying you are cheating on him with Kirishima?" She asked confused. "You see Kirishima has been asking me to hang with him lately and since I'm not ready to tell everybody about the relationship me and Izuku had I hang out with him. That made it so I didn't see Izuku anymore. I felt like shit that I couldn't see him anymore. It seemed like he started to avoid me to. Then Kirishima asked me to hang with him like always and before I knew we were in this alleyway. He just started to kiss me roughly. I didn't even kiss back. Izuku saw us kiss and jumped to conclusions I guess. Now we are in this shit." I told her. She looked at me with these wide eyes. "This is bad." She then said. "Yeah I know. Izuku probably don't want to see me anymore." I said with a sad tone in my voice. "Yeah knowing him he probably won't." She replied.

Uraraka and I talked some more. I decided I had to find Izuku. I had to talk to him about what happened. I'm done hiding us. I just want to be happy with him. I'm still the same jerk like I was. I still hurt him. I promised I would be ver hurt him again and what did I do. All this shit because of us hiding our feelings. The. I thought of the only place I hadn't checked yet. THE WOODS!! I started running into the woods that were located next to our town. I follow the path we're we used to walk when we were little. When I arrived at a fallen treetrunck over a river. There he was. The green haired boy I fell for... crying... I can't just go in and talk to him that won't work. "I know you're there Bakugo!" He said plainly. I stepped out my hiding place. "H... how did you know I was here?" I asked. "Your scent." He said plainly. I was confused Alpha's don't have a scent. Wait he could smell it to. Does he know we are mates. "W... we need to talk." I then said. "I know what you are going to say Bakugo." He said emotionless. "W... what am I going to say then?" I asked. "That you want to break up with me cause you think I'm useless compared to Kirishima." He started to cry again. "I WOULD NEVER BREAK UL WITH YOU! YOU AREN'T USELESS AT ALL! YOUR THE OPPOSITE! YOUR THE
MOST PERFECT PERSON I'VE EVER MET!" I yelled. He looked at me with this confused expression, still crying. "Your lying aren't you? Making it even more hard for me. This is some fun game for you isn't it?" He yelled at me. "You know that isn't true Izuku! Stop making yourself feel miserable! He kissed me I didn't even want that to happen and yes I was dumb not hanging out with you. I just didn't want Kirishima to get suspicious about us. Now I can see I was wrong for hiding us. I want to let everybody know how much I actually care for you. How wrong I was about you all these years. How much of a jerk I was threating like a piece of shit. I know you probably won't forgive me. I understand. I've been speeding this up. You haven't had the time to actually think about this relationship. If you want to breakup with me that's fine. I love you so much but I know that after everything that I did it's better we stop this relationship before I hurt you even more." I said starting to cry. He looked really shocked. "That's not what I want. I love you I really do. Its just that everything has been so confusing. I just think it's better if take a small break just for a week. So we both can overthink everything that happened.

[ to be continued ]

Hi guys this note again. It's just I still haven't gotten any questions for my Q&A. So go and check out the chapter before this one to ask the character listed there some questions cause I really want next chapter to be the Q&A. So please ask questions!, see you all next chapter

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