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After our breakfast, Michael helped me to the living room. The new guy whom I now know as Gibson stepped out, he said he has a few things to sort out that he'll be back soon. Stephen went back to his room saying he also had some stuff to finish up with.

So, alone in the living with Michael, we sat and watched TV. A few minutes into the program we were watching, Michael stood up and walked briskly to the kitchen. I watched him go, craning my neck to do so. He came out not too long after he went in, holding a pack of ice in his hand.

He got to me and sat down.

"I need to put this ice pack on your ankle" he stated.

I stared at him.

He stared back.

We were at a stalemate.

When I didn't reply, he spoke, " Fola, did you hear me?"

"I did, I'm just waiting for you to say it's a prank or something" I answered.

One side of his lips twitched.

"It's not a prank"

"Well then. I won't be allowing you to put that ice on my ankle. No way" I said, shaking my head in denial.

"Fola you have to. So that the swelling can go down" Michael kept at me.

I shook my head again and said a firm, "no"

"Fola" his voice had changed. Like he was warning me.

I looked at him and repeated firmly, "No"

He wasn't smiling.

I wasn't too.

"Please?" he asked, his face getting soft.

I kept frowning at him. I really didn't want that ice pack on my leg. My leg hurts. If he places it on it, it'll get worse. But I know the swelling will go down, I just don't like the method in making it go down.

Deciding that he was right; I need the ice pack and also it'll reduce the swelling. I obliged.

"Fine, you can put it"

He smiled at me.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

Then he raised my leg carefully and placed it on his thighs (they were quite big) then commenced placing the ice pack on my ankle.

It hurt like a mother.

But I managed to bear the pain. Squeezing my eyes tight.

I felt strong fingers holding mine, I opened my eyes to see Michael holding my hand. He was looking torn like he didn't like seeing me this way.

Now, once again, I ask, how bizarre is that?

He's just someone I met last night by accident. But the way he has been acting is like I am more than an accident.

Michael stayed with me, holding my hand until he was satisfied with the outcome of my ankle. He wanted to make sure that the swelling went down, even if it was just a little. He looked up at me.

"Sorry," he said.

"I nodded my head.

Then he looked back at my ankle.

"The swelling has gone down a little," he said after examining my leg.

I looked at it too, "yeah it has"

Carefully he took my leg off his and placed it back down, then he got up.

"I'll go get the ointment and reapply it. Before you know it, you'll be good as new"

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