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I stirred awake as I came to the realization I was in a nice and cozy place. I tried recalling where I was, cause this definitely didn't feel like an outdoor setting. It doesn't feel like one of my usual sleeping spots, like; under a bridge for instance, or an uncompleted building. Where I am, feels like a soft, comfy bed with a sweet comfy blanket.

Where the heck am I?

I heard a loud knock, slowly opening my eyes I realized for the first time that where I was, was a room. Oh my gosh, I'm in a room? How?

I heard the knock again.

"Fola, you awake?" came a sweet, deep, voice.

Huh, who is that?

It was then I remembered, "Michael". The dangerous guy I ran into last night, dislocating my ankle in the process. Well, I hope it ain't anyway(dislocated).

"Fola" Michael called again. Then without waiting for me to answer, he opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, are you awake?"

"Mm-hm" I answered, burrowing deeper into the covers, my face smack in between two pillows with the blanket covering every part of my body including half of my head.

The room was a bit cold, cause the air condition was on.

He chuckled.

I felt the bed dip and knew he had sat on it.

"You need to get up, the doctor will be here soon"

"Doctor?" I asked into the covers. But my voice was muffled by them so it came out like, 'dof dof?"

Michael chuckled again, "yes, Fola. Doctor"

I sighed into the covers, wishing I could be here forever.

"Ada will be here to help you get ready, then you'll have breakfast. Is that okay?"

I moved my head up and down on the covers indicating I had no problem with his little plan for my morning.

"Okay. See you later"

I lifted a hand and waved carelessly.

I heard his manly chuckle once again, a few seconds later, the sound of a door clicking closed was heard.

Okay, he's gone. Let me sleep a bit more before Ada comes.


"Wakey wakey!" singsong Ada in a rather annoying, and loud voice.

"Get up Fola the doctor is here" she announced.

"What? Already?" I asked, lifting up half of myself and twisting around to look behind me (I was lying on my belly).

Right by my bed stood an elderly, dark, well-built man, tall and rather quite dashing.

Goodness me I've been brought into a household of beautiful people. How in the world will I fit in?

As I tried to figure out my current situation, the dashing doctor spoke.

"Hello Fola, how you doing this morning?"

I stared at him, then my stare moved to a smiling Ada. She was smiling widely at me. And to be honest, she was beginning to creep me out.

I moved my eyes back to the doctor.

"Well I haven't moved my legs this morning, so I'm not sure" I replied.

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