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   My night was horrible. It was a nightmare, and it was the worst night ever. Getting attacked in Michael's house (which is one of the safest places anyone can ever live in) is really scary. The thought of leaving is no longer an option, it's better for me to stay here and get attacked but still have someone to save me than to live on streets once more and get attacked and have no one to save me.

   Right now I am in the living room. Sitting on one of the long couches, with Ada still holding me. My body can't seem to stop shaking and my neck still hurts from the firm grip the intruder had on me. I was given some water to drink to help with my throat cause the grip on my neck felt like my esophagus was tightly held by a very tight rope, literally.

   The whole household was with me. This means Ada, Michael, Edgar, the rest of the maids and Michael's younger brother Stephen were here with me. Stephen and I don't really talk. He is a bit like Michael, quiet and reserved, always in his room or in one strange room he always goes to. I asked once what he normally does in there, but everyone seems to say I should forget about it and mind my own business. Sometimes I think he's into something illegal. That's why no one wants to tell me. Anyway, if they say it's not my business then I guess I'll stay out of it, for now.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Why did this guy come into my room to attack me? I'm just Fola, a nobody.

I have no family, no one whatsoever. But still, he attacked me, tried to kill me. It's really confusing.

  Michael and Stephen tied up the intruder. Forcing him to sit on the floor in the middle of the living room. Everyone is staring at him, me with fear and confusion, Ada; fear alone, Michael: anger and probably hatred, cause if looks could kill the intruder would be dead by now, with the way Michael is looking at him. Stephen....Stephen has an eerie calm around him, he looks as if the intruder was given to him to handle he would take all pleasure tormenting him and he would do it slowly.

Edgar was looking himself; grim.

With these various looks apart from Ada, I am beginning to get scared of these guys.

  So we are all here in the living room and we are here because Michael insisted we wait for Gibson to arrive. Yes, he called Gibson immediately the intruder was tied up. Relaying the whole situation to him. We later found out that the window in my bedroom was opened, and I remember closing it but it looks like the intruder got in through my window. So here we are, waiting.

  Ten minutes later, we heard a knock on the door. Edgar quickly moved and disappeared through the short hallway to open the door. Gibson came in. He wasn't looking happy. He looked very angry. The first person he looked at was Ada. He took an assessing look of her, making sure she was all right. Then he looked at me and saw me holding my neck cause it still hurt. His face looked hard when he walked in but seeing me, it turned harder. Then he looked at Michael and asked casually but in a sinister tone.

"So where is the idiot that had the nerve to come into this house at night?"

  Michael, whose face was also hard, looked away from Gibson to the intruder tied up on the floor with his head down. Gibson followed his eyes, seeing the intruder tied up. He stalked towards him to stand behind him and then used one of his legs (fitted with sneakers) and gave him a hard push. The intruder fell forward hitting his face on the hard marble floor.

He yelled out in pain and fear.

Then Gibson looked at Michael and said; "should I take him to the headquarters down to the keeping room?"

Michael didn't even blink when he answered immediately, saying yes.

Gibson turned back towards the intruder, hauled him up and pushed him out of the house.

Well, I guess that's the end of the night's event. But I wonder what happens in the keeping room?

Michael came to me and knelt down in front of me. He removed my hands from my neck to take a look at it.

"How bad does it hurt?" he asked.

"Not that bad". I answered, but it was totally a lie. I just didn't want him to get worried.

He looked at Ada.

"Ada please give her some pain relievers for her neck".

"Yes sir" she replied. Then she got up and did just that.

Once she had gone, Michael took her place, holding me he said.

"He is going to regret ever laying his hands on you. I promise you".

I felt chills go down my spine, I really don't want to be in that intruder's shoes right now. Cause whatever Michael has planned for him. Won't be good at all.


  The next morning, I woke up. I felt a bit disoriented, so I sat up to come fully awake. That's when I saw Michael sitting on one of the chairs close to my wardrobe.

He startled me making me jerk a bit in bed.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked. My breath coming out fast. He really took me by surprise.

He looked at me calmly, "Protecting you".

I frowned, "protecting me? Why?"

Michael got up from his seat and walked to me.

He sat down on my bed then took my hands in his.

"Fola seeing you on the floor last night, crying and terrified out of your mind. Almost drove me to madness. You mean a lot to me, and seeing you that way almost made me kill the bastard that tried killing you. But I didn't. So please if I want to sit in your room and watch over you, or sit outside your door and watch over you, let me do it. Okay?"


I nodded my head.

Michael smiled at me. "Good. Now, I want you to go into the bathroom and get clean, then come downstairs and have breakfast with me. Okay?

I nodded my head again staring at him, speechless.

He got up, kissed my forehead, and walked out of my room.

I stayed on the bed for a few minutes, lost. Then I got up like a zombie, walked to the bathroom and got cleaned up.

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