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     Hearing Michaels voice felt like a dream, I couldn't believe he was here. He was actually here with me. I was shaking all over like a leaf. Excitement mixed with fear moved in me. Removing the little girl's hands from around me I ran the small distance to Michael. Jumping on him with my legs wrapped around his waist holding him tight. I never wanted to let go.

     Michael held me, trying to soothe me by rubbing my back with his hand, saying soothing words to calm me down. I held him tighter. If I could enter into his skin, I would. It was that bad. It was the best feeling in the world, seeing him here with me.

     But then I remembered my mother, did he see her? If he did, did he arrest her?

Or is he holding her somewhere so she doesn't escape and the police can come and do their thing? I mean where is she?

Getting myself more comfortable on Michael's body I released him a bit to look at him. I couldn't see his face because they were painted black but I could see his eyes, the most beautiful eyes a guy could ever have. I was getting lost in it when suddenly I felt a tap on my back. I twisted a bit to the side and looked down at the little girl, she was staring at Michael. And she was looking really scared. Well I don't blame her, seeing as Michael is like 6'3 and he'll look like a giant to her, plus his face was painted black, I myself would think he was someone from a horror movie.

I turned back to look at Michael and whispered.

"There is a little girl behind me, she can't talk, but I think my mother was trying to use her for something".

Also whispering, Michael replied, "ok, we can help her, maybe take care of her".

Smiling I whispered, "Cool, that will be awesome"

He nodded his head then asked, "why are we whispering?"

I had no Idea why so I answered, "I have no idea"

This made Michael chuckle, he tapped my thighs letting me know he needed me to get down. I took the hint, came down from his body and moved a bit to stand beside him. Michael looked at me then looked at the girl, he then took two steps towards her. She took a step back looking at him. He was a bit closer to her so he smiled then got down on one knee to look at her more closely and also to be at her level. But this only made her more scared. I'm thinking it was because of the black paint on his face. Doesn't he know he looks really scary? She's just a little girl.

Smacking him upside the head.

"Ouch!, Fola, why did you do that?"

He was rubbing the back of his head, glaring at me. I couldn't help it, I laughed out loud. He looks cute when he glares

"Michael the girl is scared of the paint on your face, you look like a demon from hell"

I continued to laugh while he glared at me, rubbing the back of his head. When I noticed the little girl staring at the both of us, her eyes going back and forth. I knew she needed an explanation as to what was happening and why I was so comfortable with Michael. She would want to know who Michael is. I got down to her height level, placed a hand to her left shoulder and said.

"This man that looks like a demon from hell is my friend, he is a really nice person, very sweet" .....saying this made Michael to clear his throat, I turned my head to glare at him, he composed himself but I could see his lips twitch. Facing the little girl again, I continued to talk to her.

"He is a nice person, you don't have to be scared"

She moved her head to the side a bit to look at Michael, then she looked back at me. She pointed at Michael, then touched her face, she was trying to ask about his face.

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